Hi Monty,

Looks good.  I think the installer should set the
proper css instead of making users have to mess with
manually setting it.  Anyone up on NSIS and Windows
version checking?  Is there a way in WinXP to
programatically figure out which theme is running?

Just my $.02,


--- Monty Scroggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been doing some messing with the toolbar to
> get it to blend with the XP olive color scheme..
> I have attached a graphic showing what I have
> settled on.. (olivesnap.png)
> I also made some tiny changes, that I would like to
> post to get feedback etc :
> I set a css id on the table used to house the
> gobutton.  I called it "gotable".  I wanted to be
> able to control the display of the gobutton via css.
>  This also allowed the graphic to be vertically
> centered, which has been bothering me...  I think
> this change would be good no matter what OS the
> toolbar is in..   Its nice to have control from css
> instead of hardcoded values in the html..
> I added some css styles for #banner.
> changed some of the css for body.
> changed the cursor for these buttons to be hand, set
> the backgrounds etc...  
> Attached are the files I modified, and the graphics
> to match the olive scheme..
> I tested the search.htm on a win2k box and the
> change did not adversely affect the toolbar
> display..
> Comments?  Suggestions?
> Monty

> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/png name=olivesnap.png

DQSD Home Page or check the FAQ.#* Type in your search
terms and hit Enter to do a Google search.* If you're
feeling lucky, go directly to Google's first hit using
an exclamation point: "Crest toothpaste!"* Look up
phone numbers and email by using # and @,
respectively: "Piper Smith (Ithaca, NY)#", "Bob
Jones@"* Load a web page by typing in the URL:
"www.microsoft.com".* Translate between English and
other languages (en, zh, fr, de, it, ja, ko, pt, es):
"some words en-es". Or translate entire web pages:
"www.apple.com en-fr"* Convert between currencies:
"100 usd>gbp"* Mathematical expressions: "4*(pi-3)",
"pow(1.06,30)"* Navigate previous searches with ctrl-P
and ctrl-N or the Up/Down arrows.. Type "!prefix" to
see only matching entries.* A clock appears after when
idle. Right-click for a calendar.* Switches can be
abbreviated: "at ram /S" is "at ram /subject".*
Following are more query codes grouped by category. 
To disable a search uncheck the checkbox next to the
search name.
# (this table is automatically generated)
If you want to make additions or improvements, please
do.The deskbar is customizable and completely
* Edit localprefs.js to customize various
functionality.  Look in preferences.js  to see all of
the available options.* Edit localsearch.css to
customize fonts, colors, sizes, etc.  Look in
search.css  to see all of the available style
settings.* Shortcuts are defined in localaliases.txt.*
You can add new searches by adding new XML files to
the localsearches subdirectory.* After editing the
code, type "!" in the search bar to reload it.* If you
have questions or contributions, please post them to
the  discussion group  and share them with the
community.  Report bugs or feature requests here.

Finally, the following are default key bindings.  Some
of these can be customized in
menuCtrl-EnterAdds www. prefix and/or .com suffix to
string if necessary and launches URL.  Similar to the
IE key-binding.Shift-EnterAlways opens a new window
for the search regardless of the
reuseBrowserWindowMode setting.  This works only when
IE is the default browser.Ctrl-B, F8Search back
through the search history for the current
textShift-Ctrl-B, Shift-F8Search forward through the
history for the current textCtrl-DelClear the search
historyWin-SMake the search bar active (i.e., make it
have the current focus)Ctrl-P, UpDisplay previous
searchCtrl-N, DownDisplay next searchShift
[drag-n-drop]When dragging text to the search bar, if
the shift key is held down when dropping the text the
default search won't be automatically invoked.
  // include the overwriting stylesheet if necessary 
if (typeof localstylesurl != "undefined" &
localstylesurl != "")    document.write("
");  getDefaultLanguage();  initGlobals();// show
localized title
stringdocument.title=local(SEARCH_TITLE);  // include
the localsearch file if necessary  if (typeof
localsearchurl != "undefined" & localsearchurl != "") 
// register key press hooks so addons, etc can handle
keypressesfunction registerKeypressHook( keypressHook
){  if ( typeof keypressHooks == 'undefined' )   
keypressHooks = new Array();  keypressHooks.push(
keypressHook );}// def() called when the user hits
"enter" in the textboxfunction def(){  // handle
things like !! and !foo  if (!recent()) return false; 
// grab the contents  var t = document.deff.q.value; 
// store the query in the windows autocomplete cache
window.external.AutoCompleteSaveForm(deff);  // Major
hack!  Due to 'constructor' being a property of every
object, we can't  // just test for it in the
associative 'searches' array later without a  //
script error.  if (/^\s*constructor\b/.test(t) )  {   
performsearch(defaultsearch,t);    return false;  }; 
// question mark only: show help  if (t == "?")       
 { about(); return false; }  // exclamation mark only:
refresh  if (t == "!")         { reload(); return
false; }  if (t == "clrhist")         {
clearHistory(); return false; }  // Shutdown DQSD and
kick the explorer to unload us// The world's not ready
for this one yet...  if(t == "quitdqsd")   {
shutdown(); return false; }  if(t == "refreshicons")  
{ refreshIcons(); return false; }  // anything below
adds something to the history  addhist(t); 
setTimeout( "checkWebForUpdate()", checkForUpdateDelay
);  // detect special commands  if (!special(t))  {   
// detect translations    if (translate(t)) return
false;    // detect URLs, filenames, etc to open
directly    if (direct(t)) return false;    // detect
strings that look like phone numbers    if ((typeof
autodetect_phone) == 'function' & autodetect_phone(t))
return false;    // detect strings that look like
currency conversions    if ((typeof
autodetect_currency) == 'function' &
autodetect_currency(t)) return false;    // detect
math expressions    if (mathexp(t)) return false;  } 
// try to execute a shortcut - this should perform the
default search  if (shortcut(t)) return false;  // if
there isn't a user-defined default search, fall back
to built-in defaultsearch variable 
performsearch(null, t);  return false;}// detect and
strip suffix or prefix and call functionfunction
shortcut(t){  // look for matching commands first  var
search = null;  var term = null;  var result =
t.match(/^(\w+)\b/)  if (result)  {    if
(aliases[result[1]])    {      search =
aliases[result[1]];      term =
t.slice(result[1].length);    }  }  // then look for
longest matching punctuation prefix  if (!search)  {  
 result =
t.match(/^([EMAIL PROTECTED]()\-=\+{}\[\];:',\.\/\?]+)/);
   if (result)    {      for (var subs =
result[1].length; subs>0; subs--)      {        search
= aliases[result[1].slice(0, subs)];        if
(search)        {          term = t.slice(subs);      
   break;        }      }    }  }  // then look for
longest matching punctuation suffix  if (!search)  {  
 result =
t.match(/([EMAIL PROTECTED]()\-=\+{}\[\];:',\.\/\?]+)$/);
   if (result)    {      for (var subs =
result[1].length; subs>0; subs--)      {        search
= aliases[result[1].slice(-subs)];        if (search) 
      {          term = t.slice(0, -subs);         
break;        }      }    }  }  // no match, look for
empty shortcut  if (!search & aliases[""])  {   
search = aliases[""];    term = t;  }  // no match, no
dice  if (!search)    return false;  // search is
there, but disabled  if (!searches[search].enabled)   
return false;  // execute search 
performsearch(search, term);  return true;}function
performsearch(fname, term){  // if the specified
search does not exist (ie. no default search), set to
defaultsearch  if (!fname)  {    if (!defaultsearch ||
!searches[defaultsearch]) // bad defaultsearch
variable (e.g., old localprefs.js) -> use gg instead
of failing       fname = "gg";    else       fname =
defaultsearch;  }  term = term.replace(/^\s+/g,
'').replace(/\s+$/g, '')       // strip out leading
and trailing spaces  if (searches[fname])   
searches[fname].fun(term);  else  {    try      {      if
(fname.match(/\(.*\)/)) {        // function with
parameters specified        eval(fname);      } else {
       // just function no parameters       
eval(fname + "()");      }    } catch(e)        {       
alert('An error (' + e + '/' + e.description + ')
occurred while trying to run the search "'+fname+'"');
}  }}// a way of executing a specific search while
adding the right symbol to the historyfunction
mnu(text, alias){  var fn = (alias ? alias : text); 
var search = trimWhitespace(fn + ' ' +
document.deff.q.value); // trim leading/trailing
whitespace  if (searches[fn])    addhist( search ); 
performsearch( text, document.deff.q.value );}function
containsalias(s, t){  if (t.length >= s.length)  {   
if (s.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/))    {      if (t.match("^"
+ s + "\\b"))        return true;    }    else if
(t.slice(t.length-s.length) == s)    {      return
true;    }    else if (t.slice(0, s.length) == s)    {
     return true;    }  }  return false;}// detect
specialsfunction special(t){  for (var i = 0; i
,\.\/\?]*/, '')          
.replace(/[EMAIL PROTECTED]()\-=\+{}\[\];:',\.\/\?]*$/,
'');      // append .com if it looks like it needs it 
    dns = new
"i");      if (!dns.exec(t))      {        var
slashpos = t.indexOf('/');        if (slashpos  0)  { 
  document.all.delaymsg.innerText = ' Delaying ' +
startupdelay/1000 + ' seconds...'   
document.all.delaymsg.style.display = '';   
setTimeout( postStartup, startupdelay );  }  else  {  
 postStartup();  }  if (!clock || clockdelay > 0)   
showQuickSearch();  if (helptime > 0)   
startbanner(clockdelay);  else   
startclock(clockdelay);      // Allow users to define
a startup function to enable customized startups.  if
((typeof startup) == 'function')  {             startup();  }   
}// starts the banner timerfunction
bant=window.setTimeout("banner();", delay);}//
banner() called to display help message for 8.5
secondsfunction banner(){  if ( typeof displayHelp ==
'undefined' || displayHelp )  {   
document.deff.q.value = local(HELP_TEXT);   
bant=window.setTimeout("unbanner();", helptime);  }}//
called when the banner naturally goes awayfunction
unbanner(){  stopbanner();  if (!clock || clockdelay
>0)    showQuickSearch();  startclock(clockdelay);}//
called to forcibly clear the bannerfunction
stopbanner(){  stopclock();  if (bant)   
window.clearTimeout(bant);}// clr() called when the
texbox is given focusfunction clr(){  if (init)  {   
document.deff.q.value="";    init = false;  } 
stopbanner();  document.deff.q.className = "txtfld"; 
document.deff.q.value=currhistedit();  range =
document.deff.q.createTextRange();  range.select();}//
dodragover() called when dragging over the
textboxfunction dodragover(){  clr(); 
window.event.returnValue = false;}// dodrop() called
when something is dropped on the textboxfunction
dodrop(){  if (selfdrag) return true;  try  {    if
(init)      init = false;    stopbanner();   
window.event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='copy';    var q
= event.dataTransfer.getData("Text");    // trim
leading and trailing whitespace and punctuation    if
( q & q.length > 0 )    {      q =
q.replace(/([EMAIL PROTECTED]()\-=\+{}\[\];:',\.\/\?]*)|([EMAIL 
'');    }    if ( !q || q.length == 0 )    {     
rst();      return false;    }   
document.deff.q.value = q;    rst();    // Don't
invoke the default search if they are holding down the
shift key    // when they drop the selection    if (
!window.event.shiftKey )      mnu( "", "");  }  catch
(e)  {    return false; // ??? hack, but it avoids
weird intermittent errors  }}// rst() called when the
texbox loses focusfunction rst(){ 
histeditmove(document.deff.q.value, 0);  if (init ==
false & document.deff.q.value=="")  {    init = true; 
  if (!clock || clockdelay > 0)     
showQuickSearch();  } 
startclock(clockdelay);}function reload(){ 
closeabout();  window.location.reload(false);}        
                     '            + '');        }     
  -->                                      " : ">")); 
      if (dopopup)        {          document.write(  
         " [input] ");        }        -->            
                Dave's Quick Search Deskbar      
        Designed to be placed on the Windows taskbar.
        For documentation, click here.      function
handleResize(){  if (typeof bannerurl == "undefined")
{ bannerurl = ""; }  if (bannerurl == "") {     
bannerwidth  = -1;      bannerheight = -1;  } else {  
 if (typeof bannerheight == "undefined") {
bannerheight = -1; }    if (bannerwidth == -1) // -1
:= autodetect        bannerwidth =
document.deff.banner.width;    if (typeof bannerwidth 
== "undefined") { bannerwidth  = -1; }    if
(bannerheight == -1) // -1 := autodetect       
bannerheight = document.deff.banner.height;  }  if
(typeof gowidth == "undefined") { gowidth = -1; }  if
(gowidth  256 & document.body.clientWidth > 256)  {   
// We seem to be off the toolbar   
document.deff.q.style.height=0;  }  else  {   
document.deff.q.style.height =
document.body.clientHeight;  }  var targetwidth =
document.body.clientWidth - gowidth - bannerwidth; 
if(dopopup)  {    if((showbutton == 1) || ((showbutton
== 2) & (targetwidth >= clocklongwidth)) &
document.deff.q.style.display != "none")    {     
document.deff.gobutton.style.display ="inline";     
if (buttonalign == "left")      {        if
(bannerwidth != -1)        {         
document.deff.q.style.left         = gowidth +
bannerwidth + 1;         
document.deff.gobutton.style.left  = 0 + bannerwidth +
1;        }        else        {         
document.deff.q.style.left         = gowidth;         
document.deff.gobutton.style.left  = 0;        }     
}      else      {        if (bannerwidth != -1)      
 {          document.deff.q.style.left         = 0 +
bannerwidth + 1;         
document.deff.gobutton.style.left  = targetwidth +
bannerwidth + 1;        }        else        {        
 document.deff.q.style.left         = 0;         
document.deff.gobutton.style.left  = targetwidth;     
  }      }      document.deff.gobutton.style.top     =
0;      document.deff.gobutton.style.height  =
document.deff.q.offsetHeight;    }    else    {     
if (bannerwidth != -1)      {       
document.deff.gobutton.style.display = "none";       
document.deff.q.style.left           = 0 + bannerwidth
+ 1;        targetwidth                          =
document.body.clientWidth - bannerwidth + 1;      }   
  else      {       
document.deff.gobutton.style.display = "none";       
document.deff.q.style.left           = 0;       
targetwidth                          =
document.body.clientWidth;      }    }  }  if
(targetwidth > /*
> Use this as localsearch.css to make xp olive color
> scheme look nice.
> */
> body
> {
>  background: #a8b680  url(xptoolbartop_olive.bmp)
> repeat-x fixed top;
>  margin:0px;
>  padding:0px;
>  border-right:1px solid #919f6a;
> }
> .txtfld, .clock
> {
>  background: transparent url(xptoolbarbot_olive.bmp)
> repeat-x fixed bottom;
>  color: black;
>  border-width:0px;
>  padding-top:8px;
>  padding-left:4px;
>  padding-right:6px;
>  padding-bottom:5px;
>  margin-left:1px;
>  margin-right:1px;
> }
> .gobutton, .mogobutton, .mdgobutton
> {
>  background: transparent url(xptoolbarbot_olive.bmp)
> repeat-x fixed bottom;
>  border:0px;
>  color: black;
>  padding:0px;
>  cursor:hand;
>  margin:0px;
> }
> #gotable {
>  background: #afbc84;
>  text-align:left;
>  vertical-align:left;
>  margin-top:4px;
>  border-bottom:1px solid #a8b680;
>  border-right:1px solid #919f6a;
>  border-left:1px solid #919f6a;
>  height:100%;
> }
> #banner {
> padding-right:0px;
> cursor:hand;
> }
> /*
> Styles for the calendar
> */
> .cal
> {
>  background:#e0E7b8;
>  color:black;
>  border:1px solid black;
> }
> .calnavmonth, .calnavmonthhigh, .calnavyear,
> .calnavyearhigh
> {
>   padding:1px;
>   border-width:0;
> }
> .caltodayevent, .caltodayeventhigh
> {
>   background-color:#fcfcfc;
>   border:1px solid black;
> }
> .caltoday, .caltodayhigh
> {
>   background-color:#fcfcfc;
>   border:1px solid black;
> }
> /*
> Styles for the help box
> */
> .helpboxBody
> {
>   background: window;
> }

> ATTACHMENT part 5 image/bmp

> ATTACHMENT part 6 image/bmp

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