Thanks for the feedback on the search and the session
key Glenn - a modified version of it is attached with
the session key value removed. Examples also modified
slightly. And it's a pleasure to use the wizard -
otherwise I'd never put searches together.

JB - you were asking about the search name. PMID =
PubMed ID (I think). Bascically, every journal article
gets given a unique PMID number, so it's how I always
refer to them. It's a bit of a bonus that you can also
search for authors and title keywords using the same
search query.


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<search function="pmid">
    Even though this XML search will probably load and is a good start toward a completed search, please be aware that this search will probably not work as is and will probably require some changes.
  <contributor>James Robertson</contributor>
  Search the PubMed journals database
    <div class="helpboxDescLabels">Examples:</div>
    <table class="helpboxDescTable">
      <tr><td>pmid 12429004 for a PMID reference</td></tr>
      <tr><td>pmid Reeves Ginifer for a name search</td></tr>
      <tr><td>pmid transdermal intravenous fentanyl for a keyword search</td></tr>
  <form name="pmidf"
    <input type="hidden" name="WebEnv" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="CMD" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="db" value="PubMed" />
      The input element above, "db", was a SELECT element with the following options...
      <select name="db">
        <option value="PubMed">PubMed</option>
        <option value="protein">Protein</option>
        <option value="nucleotide">Nucleotide</option>
        <option value="structure">Structure</option>
        <option value="genome">Genome</option>
        <option value="books">Books</option>
        <option value="domains">3D Domains</option>
        <option value="cdd">Domains</option>
        <option value="gene">Gene</option>
        <option value="geo">GEO</option>
        <option value="gds">GEO DataSets</option>
        <option value="journals">Journals</option>
        <option value="mesh">MeSH</option>
        <option value="ncbisearch">NCBI Web Site</option>
        <option value="omim">OMIM</option>
        <option value="pmc">PMC</option>
        <option value="popset">PopSet</option>
        <option value="snp">SNP</option>
        <option value="taxonomy">Taxonomy</option>
        <option value="unigene">UniGene</option>
        <option value="UniSts">UniSTS</option>

    <input type="hidden" name="orig_db" value="PubMed" />

    <COMMENT> The following field was active (i.e. had focus) when the search was generated. </COMMENT>

    <input type="hidden" name="term" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="Clear" value="Clear" />
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="Search" />
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd_current" value="" />
    function pmid(q)
      if( nullArgs("pmid", q) )

      // FORM variables for pmidf
      //document.pmidf.WebEnv.value = "";
      //document.pmidf.CMD.value = "";
      //document.pmidf.db.value = "";
      //document.pmidf.orig_db.value = "";

      // The wizard assigned the search string to this form field value because
      // this field was the active element when the search file was generated.
      // Change this to args.q if the search string is parsed with parseArgs.
      document.pmidf.term.value = q;
      //document.pmidf.Clear.value = "";
      //document.pmidf.cmd.value = "";
      //document.pmidf.cmd_current.value = "";

    The following applies if this file is included and distributed with Dave's Quick Search Deskbar:
    Copyright (c) 2002 David Bau; Distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, Version 2 (
    This search file was initially created on 01/28/04 at 16:00:24 by Dave's Quick Search Deskbar Search Wizard version 1.2, Copyright (c) 2002 Glenn Carr; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2

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