Hi Brian,
> Sadly, no, it doesn't work.  :(


> After saving this as comx.xml in the searches subdirectory 
> and restarting (!) DQSD, I get the same error message
> dialog, twice, followed by a google search looking for
> 'comx' and whatever I typed in as parameters.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>Line:          99
>Char:           5
>Error: The handle is invalid.
>Code:          0
>URL:           C:\\Program Files\Quick Search Deskbar\search.htm
> -----------------------------------------------------------

Have you made any other customizations from the base installation?
Adding/removing searches, localprefs options, adding additional

In a private email please send me what appears on the clipboard when
you 'run' this in DQSD:
  vbsx :document.body.outerHTML
You should be able to simply run that in DQSD, open notepad and
paste in there (it'll return the results of all of the generated
html, so if you have any private/personal/sensitive information,
please REVIEW that text before saving it but do NOT remove any
carrige returns), save it as text and attach that to a new message
to me privately.

Also use this one to see if it's returning okay:
  jsx alert(DQSDLauncher.AppDataDirectory)
This should just pop up with something like:
  c:\documents and settings\brian\application data\dqsd\
If it doesn't then let me know.

This could be a security issue, related to not having rights to
'script' activex components (necessary for the path generation of
the temporary file and the xmlhttp object). If you've made any
changes to the default behavior of how IE operates on the system
please describe the changes made.


Shawn K. Hall

'// ========================================================
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