Hi Tom,

> I have raised the issue before about logging into sites that
> require session id's and the like. I was looking at one today
> that is like this with the wizard pulling back:
>   <input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token"
>    value="55a1820d6538b36c0129c590dc4e4591007c38f9" />
> Shawn has mentioned I think that one needs to do a first pass
> to get this authentication code. Is there any common javascript
> routine we could have that we could call to do some of this
> work?

If you look in yy.xml you'll see an example that's based on the
"yyfsupport" function. Here's one (that doesn't require a supporting
function) specific to the field you posted (replace "yourform" with
whatever your form name is):

    var r;
    idSession = "";
    sUrl = "http://example.com/";;
    var xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp");
    xmlHttp.open("GET", sUrl, false);
    var sBody = xmlHttp.responseText;
    var rx = /authenticity\_token"\svalue\="([^"]+)"\>/g;
    while ((r = rx.exec(sBody)) != null){
      idSession = r[1];
    document.formname.login.value = idSession;

That SHOULD do it for you. :)

We could put something similar to the yyfsupport function in the base
code, I think, which would make this kind of thing a lot easier.


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