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<    Doctor Fun presents ...
<    Whenever I take a break from updating Doctor Fun, I try to
<    make up for it by uploading some of my older pre-Doctor Fun
<    cartoons, all scanned from pen and paper. All of this stuff
<    was drawn long before the Internet, Photoshop, and all that. I
<    only add new material to this page when I take breaks, but I
<    plan to be a lazyass and take lots of breaks, so everybody
<    wins.
<    Most of what I've put here so far has been collections of
<    cartoons I drew in the mid-80s, all on some theme that
<    happened to grab me at the time. Some of these themes still
<    grab me. A few of these cartoons even reappeared as Doctor
<    Funs.
<    Ironically, the only one of these theme collections that was
<    accepted for publication (by [DEL: Simon & Schuster :DEL] A
<    Famous Publisher) can't be put online here because of legal
<    problems. The problems were not with The Famous Publisher but
<    because of the inability to ultimately come to terms with the
<    trademark owner of [DEL: Mister Potato Head :DEL] The Topic.
<    Oh well. All this excitement for what turned out to be nothing
<    happened years ago. Lucky for me I had a temp job.
<    In addition to the theme cartoons, there are plenty of random
<    old cartoons. Some of these have aged better than others.
<    Eventually, it will all be here.
<    And sometimes I actually draw all-new stuff that doesn't fit
<    with the "regular" Doctor Fun, so I put it here. You win
<    either way!
<      _________________________________________________________
<    March 22, 2004 - Ta-daa! Here's 100 more cartoons from 1990!
<    January 4, 2004 - Here's 50 more cartoons from 1990!
<    December 20, 2003 - How about even more old cartoons from
<    1990? Here's some now, and some more later, as the long break
<    continues.
<    November 23, 2003 - How about some cartoons from 1990 for a
<    change? You might notice a radical change in format. What
<    happened between 1989 and 1990? Two things - I was mostly
<    concentrating on selling to magazines, and it was hard to show
<    editors what the nice washes I used looked like without
<    sending them the originals, which they mostly didn't want the
<    responsibility for handling, and which I mostly didn't want to
<    send them. So I switched to all black and white pen and ink.
<    The first year of this change wasn't particularly good, but at
<    the time I was trying to sell cartoons, and I was selling more
<    cartoons than I'd ever had before, so it looked like a good
<    move. I had also started fooling around with computers and
<    scanners about this time, and the only scanning I could afford
<    to do was black and white only, so that was the second, and
<    not as important reason for the switch, since computers and
<    cartoons didn't turn into much of anything interesting for
<    another couple years. 1990 was a pretty busy year for reasons
<    other than cartoons (among other things, I moved from New York
<    to Chicago). From here on out there aren't as many cartoons
<    from year-to-year leading up to when Doctor Fun started in
<    1993, and many of the cartoons from now to then were used as
<    material for early Doctor Funs until I decided to stop
<    recycling old stuff (in anticipation of doing this very
<    thing). There are 100 on them in this round, and they start
<    here. Some of these jokes are extremely dated, particularly
<    the one about Spy Magazine (one of my customers until they
<    folded). There are a couple funny ones - you'll have to find
<    them yourself. Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    September 7, 2003, this finishes it up for 1988-89. There are
<    a couple cartoons that aren't particularly funny anymore, but
<    I left them all in since this was more than ten years ago, and
<    not presented as something brand new. These cartoons aren't in
<    order that they were drawn. The ones with the pencil borders
<    around the edges are the earliest ones. You'll notice a trend
<    towards a single topic in the last two pages - those were
<    drawn for some special project. There is one in there I don't
<    understand at all - even a Google search didn't help. I'll let
<    you figure out which one it is.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    May 19, 2003, why are you not surprised to find 100 more
<    scanned cartoons from 1988-89.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    (Because of some problems on ibiblio, Doctor Fun was partially
<    offline the week of May 12 - the cartoons intended for that
<    break are being run this week, May 19.)
<    May 5, 2003, here are 100 more scanned cartoons from 1988-89.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Doctor Fun's Peep-O-Rama 2003 
<    Doctor Fun's Peep-o-Rama 2003 is just like Doctor Fun's
<    Peep-o-Rama 2002, except it's different cartoons. It's about
<    Peeps. (Three pages.)
<      _________________________________________________________
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Doctor Fun's Christmas Bonus 2001 
<    December, 2002 - Hooray! Doctor Fun's Christmas Bonus 2002 is
<    here! 41 more lame, sloppily-drawn "holiday" themed cartoons.
<    If that's not enough, here's Doctor Fun's Christmas Bonus
<    2001.
<    And now there's more - how about some color cartoons from
<    1988? There are only 40 of them. I seem to recall that all the
<    work that went into these didn't result in much, mostly
<    because of a lack of any good way to make copies of them at
<    the time. These were drawn like the black and white cartoons
<    I've been uploading, but colored in with pencils instead of
<    wash. And don't worry, there are still plenty more black and
<    white cartoons from 1988-89 to slog through before we're done.
<    I'm really doing all this backwards. At some point I have to
<    scan all the stuff from back then that actually got into
<    print, so I can prove I used to be a real cartoonist.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    November, 2002 - The next-to-newest thing here is 300 more
<    cartoons from 1988. On the off chance that you are wondering
<    why there are so many old cartoons from 1988, they are really
<    from 1988 to 1989 because my record-keeping maybe wasn't so
<    good. And they are in no particular order. My opinion would be
<    that the funnier and better-drawn ones came later, over the
<    years they got more and more mixed up, so this is what I had
<    when I started scanning. (All of this stuff is already scanned
<    - I'm just sitting on it to use it when I take breaks.) I
<    lived in New York from 1985 to 1989, which explains some of
<    the themes and the building in the background, including the
<    World Trade Center (so I slipped it into the logo). If you
<    want to see them all, start here.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Doctor Fun's Peep-O-Rama 
<    Gather 'round kids, it's time to for Doctor Fun's Peep-O-Rama,
<    30 more thoughtlessly written and hastily drawn cartoons about
<    Peeps that didn't make the cut as "real" Doctor Fun cartoons.
<    Don't read too many at once, you'll get sick. (Three pages.)
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Doctor Fun's Christmas Bonus 2001 
<    It's Doctor Fun's Big Fat Christmas Bonus. These are a bunch
<    of cartoons I sketched but didn't use as "real" Doctor Fun
<    cartoons for 2001. I had a lot of sketches left over, so I
<    decided to quickly draw some of them in a slovely and
<    thoughtless manner and try to pass it off as my Christmas Gift
<    to You.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    1987 
<    Here are most of the loose cartoons I have lying around from
<    1987. There is no theme to this set of cartoons, but there are
<    a lot of them. Many of them aren't even funny. I leave it as
<    an exercise for you to decide which ones are funny and which
<    ones aren't. Why 1987? Most of the extra stuff I've put online
<    already is from 1987. Going back through the old cartoons,
<    1987 is the first year where the drawings and the jokes seem
<    to hit more than they miss. Unlike the cartoons from 1988-89,
<    which I seem to have neglected to put dates on, so there's a
<    huge honking pile of them to wade through, I actually know
<    which ones I drew in 1987. If there had been an Internet and a
<    Doctor Fun back in 1987, this is what you would have got.
<    Some of these cartoons weren't, er, "drawn good" to begin
<    with, and scanning could only fix them up a little. The
<    cartoons with the blobby dark parts are that way because
<    that's how I drew them. Who knows? At the time I lived in a
<    basement apartment in Queens, NYC, with 10-watt bulbs in all
<    the lamps.
<    (In case you start reading and wonder where it all ends, 1987
<    goes on for 35 pages - 351 cartoons.)
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Blobs 
<    If you happen to be looking for a collection of cartoons
<    mostly about amoebas, then Blobs may be the place for you.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Boogers, A Celebration is a collection of hand-picked cartoons
<    on a certain subject. Only the most assiduous digging has
<    pulled out these treasures.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    The Eyes Have It 
<    The Eyes Have It is mostly about gigantic eyeballs, with some
<    other random eye jokes. (I'm extremely nearsighted, and spent
<    a lot of time at the eye doctor when I was young.)
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Heads Up 
<    Heads Up is in two sections, the first section features the
<    madcap antics of decapitated heads floating about in jars; the
<    second section features people who have managed to somehow
<    grow more than one head, and the shenanigans that ensue.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    The Iceman Cometh 
<    The Iceman Cometh is about snowmen.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Science Fair 
<    Science Fair was actually drawn a couple years before all the
<    other stuff here. Science Fair documents a visit to the
<    so-called Hoagiesville Science and Engineering Fair, with
<    exhibits in different age divisions, prizes, handouts, etc.
<      _________________________________________________________
<    Doctor Fun's Grab Bag 
<    If that's not enough, several years ago I uploaded about 200
<    old scanned cartoons and called it Doctor Fun's Grab Bag. The
<    format is a bit low-rent, even compared to my other minimalist
<    efforts, but you are clicking on it. Clicking. Clicking.
<    Click.
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<     These pages maintained, and contents copyrighted, by David
<     Farley, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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