Latest changes to
2004-04-09: network trouble on the list. Sorry.
>                            Visit ibiblio 
>                    Welcome to the Doctor Fun Page
>                   Welcome to the Doctor Fun Page.
>      _________________________________________________________
>         We now return to our regularly-scheduled normalcy..
>      _________________________________________________________
>                    The Latest Doctor Fun Cartoon
>       This Week's Doctor Fun Cartoons, A Larger Version of the
>                        Latest Doctor Fun Logo
>    Browse Doctor Fun cartoons and logos all the way back to 1993
>                      in The Doctor Fun Archive.
>      Some cartoons other readers liked, Never been here before?
>      Search Doctor Fun Captions: Mark Plaga's Doctor Fun Search
>             Page, Jack Leblond's Doctor Fun Search Page
>                          Random Doctor Fun?
>     Doctor Fun Mirrors: Pacific Internet, Australia, Australian
>      Cybermalls, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, New Zealand,
>                        Sweden, United States
>                         Credits for Mirrors
>     Philip Newton's Doctor Fun RSS feed: Get the last 15 Doctor
>                      Fun cartoons through RSS.
>     If you are a programmer-type person, you can get Doctor Fun
>             and zillions of other comics with Netcomics.
>     Nicholas Barnard's Mailing Lists: Latest Doctor Fun, Latest
>                                 Logo
>       Find out when these pages update, with Jonathan Ah Kit's
>                   Doctor Fun Website Changes List.
>     Some Old Week of Doctor Fun, Mostafa Eldefrawy's Toonogram,
>                         Doctor Fun Segmation
>    Lots of old, pre-Internet Doctor Fun stuff, including Science
>     Fair, and other interesting things. Readers often pick this
>                                 one.
>    The slightly-out-of-date Doctor Fun FAQ, News about the Doctor
>                               Fun book
>      _________________________________________________________
>    News
>    April 18, 2004 - Good news - the book is going to Plan Nine
>    tomorrow for a test printing. Bad news - it took longer to put
>    it together than I expected, so no work was done finishing up
>    the Peeps special. It will run when it runs. Nobody expects
>    ... the Peeps Special! In the meantime, regular cartoons
>    resume.
>    April 7, 2004 - Doctor Fun Emergency Break! Peeps Week is
>    Canceled! Well, sort of. Peeps Week is delayed, ok and the
>    Doctor Fun studio has "gone dark" this week, to use tv talk.
>    This is an unplanned break. The next planned break wasn't
>    supposed to be until June, and a gigantic Peeps Bonus was to
>    be ready to go by this Sunday. So what's going on? Good
>    things, actually (no, I'm not having a baby). As you may have
>    heard, there have been rumors of a Doctor Fun book, and the
>    rumors are true. Unfortunately, through no particular fault of
>    anyone, the Doctor Fun book has been drifting about in the
>    Horse Latitudes for some time. But it's drifting no more, in
>    fact, there's a bit of a typhoon, and the final,
>    ready-to-go-to-press version of the book needs to be ready
>    next week. After all this time, of course the book is all
>    ready to go, right? Um, sort of. In a better, more organized
>    world, the book would be ready, but it's not quite there, and
>    I've got to get it done. Finishing the book does not involve
>    drawing anything new - just a lot of tedious desktop
>    publishing-type stuff, but stuff I need to do myself, although
>    since we changed the format to landscape I will probably draw
>    a new cover (maybe a bit punchier than the proposed one). So,
>    that's the way it is. I will finish out the cartoons this
>    week, but Doctor Fun will be off next week, and the Peeps
>    Special will run after the book is ready and I can finish it,
>    hopefully all by the end of next week, if not sooner.
>    Unfortunately, I don't have a supply of old cartoons on
>    standby ready to upload for these types of situations, so it's
>    cold turkey this time around. On the other hand, the world is
>    crying for a Doctor Fun book, right? Right. And lest you
>    complain too much, may I remind you that I have a day job.
>    And when will the book actually be available? No firm date
>    yet. Plan Nine Publishing is testing some new equipment and
>    production methods. I would think if the test is successful,
>    very soon.
>    April 5, 2004 - It's Peeps Week (again) with Doctor Fun! There
>    will be a bonus (hopefully, again) at the end of the week.
>    March 29, 2004 - As I suspected, driving all over the country
>    last week put me on a short deadline to get the cartoons ready
>    for next week, so the break continues. But hey, I did put 100
>    up this time around.
>    March 15, 2004 - There will be a short break next week.
>    March 22, 2004 - As promised, Doctor Fun is on break, this
>    time maybe for a week, or maybe two weeks, depending on my
>    schedule. In the meantime, I've uploaded not 50, but 100
>    newly-scanned cartoons from 1990.
>    March 15, 2004 - There will be a short break next week.
>    March 8, 2004
>      * Today's cartoon about the guppy has been covered before,
>        but you'll have to find the old one yourself. It was too
>        late to change it - anyway, it's important to update the
>        jokes to keep up with emerging penis enlargement
>        technologies.
>      * Some things are getting smaller, though. Here's a picture
>        of my new downsized computer setup. Here's the old setup.
>      * There will be a short break around the end of March.
>    March 1, 2004 - that Valentine's Day sucks. In
>    non-celebration, I've put together a collection of 50 slightly
>    raunchy Doctor Fun cartoons from days past. Slightly raunchy
>    because this is still a PG-13 cartoon - the ibiblio merger
>    with Vivid Video fell through. There are plenty more - a quick
>    peek found more than 100 possibilities. Do I have a dirty
>    mind? Probably not, since it was 100 out of a couple thousand
>    - only a few know for sure. And finally, If I've accomplished
>    anything in this life, it's that something actually comes back
>    if you type "vagina squirrels" into google.
>      _________________________________________________________
>    February 3, 2004 - Wow - more news already! Thanks to Gary
>    Marshall of Pacific Internet, there is a new Doctor Fun mirror
>    in Sydney.
>    Also, the new Comics Museum in Groningen, The Netherlands is
>    putting together an exhibit on net comics that will include
>    something about Doctor Fun. This is happening sometime in
>    April. I don't know much more than that. I've offered to come
>    over (on my dime) and give a talk on Doctor Fun just for fun.
>    Haven't heard anything back - stay tuned, and let me know if
>    there is any interest.
>    February 2, 2004 - Doctor Fun is back. I apologize for the
>    lack of old cartoon updates during the break; I had one more
>    set and didn't have enough time to finish putting it together
>    and get all the new cartoons ready at the same time. In fact,
>    I didn't get to quite where I wanted to be, so I may make up
>    for it by taking a one-week break in March sometime. We'll
>    see. In the the meantime, the march to 520 weeks continues.
>    I still have hopes of seeing at least one Doctor Fun book, but
>    haven't heard much back from Plan Nine Publishing. In any
>    event, I plan to have the book assembled by March, and after
>    that we'll see what happens. I still have all the favorites
>    and requests you sent in ages ago - thanks for those - keep
>    sending them if you like.
>    For those who are interested in such things, I've switched
>    production of Doctor Fun and everything else off my Sony VAIO
>    Pentablet (which developed all sorts of unfixable problems)
>    and to my laptop (Fujitsu P5010), which is much nicer,
>    although I'm now drawing on a separate Wacom tablet again.
>    More news...
>      _________________________________________________________
>    Info
>    Welcome to the all new spiffed-up and friendlier Doctor Fun
>    page! I've thought for awhile that most of the people who
>    visit this page are first-time visitors, and return customers
>    just go for the goods. New visitors poke around, get confused
>    and angry, and then leave and never come back. Not if I can
>    help it. Welcome, friend! This all new extra-friendly and
>    improved Doctor Fun page is just for you!
>    What's that picture at the top of the page, is that the
>    cartoon?
>    No, that's the logo - we'll get to that later. It's just a
>    pretty picture to look at.
>    What the [DEL: fu :DEL] heck is Doctor Fun?
>    Doctor Fun is a cartoon. Not all Doctor Funs may be suitable
>    for children and some childlike adults. There's a new Doctor
>    Fun every weekday. Doctor Fun is hosted by ibiblio, the
>    public's library and digital archive, at the University of
>    North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Doctor Fun first appeared on the
>    Internet in 1993, and has been at ibiblio (ibiblio has had
>    other names, including SunSITE and Metalab) since 1994. What
>    Doctor Fun is, for the literal-minded, is a 640 x 480 pixel
>    24-bit color JPEG file. Doctor Fun has the dubious distinction
>    of being the first web cartoon. Doctor Fun was not, however,
>    the first cartoon on the Internet.
>    I still don't get it. Why do they let you ...? You're not ...?
>    But ...?
>    Never you mind. Look - there's no reason for Doctor Fun to
>    even exist, but here it is.
>    Thanks! Now that I know all that, I want to read the latest
>    Doctor Fun cartoon!
>    Here is the latest cartoon. If you'd like to always link to
>    the latest Doctor Fun, you can use this link:
>    You can get a little thumbnail of (only the artwork) the
>    latest cartoon, too.
>    That cartoon sucked.
>    That wasn't really a question, was it? If you didn't
>    particularly like whatever the latest Doctor Fun cartoon
>    happened to be, perhaps you are still Doctor Fun-curious and
>    would like to see some Doctor Funs that other people seem to
>    like a lot. Here's a mix of cartoons that other people,
>    perhaps like you, seemed to enjoy. These cartoons actually got
>    some hits, or I actually got some e-mail about them, or both.
>      * Here's the one about Barney.
>      * Here's the one about beavers.
>      * Here's the one about gerbils.
>      * Here's the one about tribbles.
>      * Here's the one about wasabi.
>      * Here's the one about vasectomies.
>      * Here's the one about Clusenix.
>      * Here's the one about Usenet.
>      * Here's the one about Don Knuth.
>      * Here's the one about The Incredible Hulk.
>    Those cartoons all suck, but continue with your feeble efforts
>    to entertain. Show me some more.
>    Now, then - those are not necessarily my favorites, either. So
>    I went through each year and picked out some that I thought
>    were either particularly funny, or particularly well-drawn. A
>    few I thought were both funny and well-drawn.
>      * Here's the one about the donuts.
>      * Here's the one about Godzilla.
>      * Here's the one about the chickens.
>      * Here's the one about the human cannonball.
>      * Here's the one about Mr. Spock.
>      * Here's the one about the sperm.
>      * Here's the one about the protozoa.
>      * Here's the one about the blow-up doll.
>      * Pick this one!
>      * Here's the one about the squirrel.
>      * Here's the one about the ice cream cones.
>      * Here's the one about the pinatas.
>      * Here's the one about the deathray.
>      * Here's the one about the elephants.
>      * Here's the one about tomatillos.
>      * Here's the one about watering the plants.
>      * Here's the one about the tapeworms.
>      * Here's the one about the Zamboni.
>      * Here's the one about the operating room.
>      * Here's the one about the goldfish.
>      * Here's another one about squirrels.
>      * Here's the one about Gumby.
>      * Here's the one about Santa.
>      * Here's another one about chickens.
>      * Here's the one about Mr. Potato Head.
>      * Here's the one about the weasels.
>      * Here's the one about the Titanic.
>      * Here's the one about the Muppets.
>      * Here's the one about the pickles.
>      * Here's the one about Vlad the Impaler.
>      * Here's the one about carrots.
>      * Here's the one about Rear Window.
>      * Here's the one about the fleas.
>      * Here's the one about the Enchanted Forest.
>      * Here's the one about Steely Dan.
>      * Here's the one about the Amish.
>      * Here's the one about noses.
>      * Here's the one about Mister Clean.
>      * Here's the one about Harry Potter.
>      * Here's the one about the chipmunk.
>      * Here's the one about the polar bear.
>      * Here's the one about Ultraman.
>    Back to the top
>    These are the cartoons with just the right balance of
>    30-something sophistication and juvenile humor that I've been
>    searching for! Thank you, Mr. Cartoon Drawing Man! Where can I
>    read more?
>    Still not satisfied? Why not visit the Doctor Fun Archive,
>    where you can browse all the old cartoons? Or Doctor Fun's
>    Special Cartoons Unit, where you can browse stuff that's even
>    older than Doctor Fun?
>    However shall I peruse only this week's Doctor Fun cartoons?
>    You can also see all the cartoons to date for the latest week.
>    If you want to link to this page, it is always:
>    In a shameless attempt to increase traffic, I'm introducing a
>    new, and perhaps temporary, feature called "Some Old Week of
>    Doctor Fun Cartoons". It changes every day. Link to it at:
>    What's the deal with the logo? I don't understand the
>    relationship between the unchanging dog-like character in the
>    Doctor Fun logo, and the actual cartoon, and stuff I don't
>    understand makes me mad.
>    There is also a Doctor Fun logo, which should be at the top of
>    this page unless I screwed the link up, in which case there is
>    an "error". The little guy in the logo is Doctor Fun, but he
>    doesn't actually appear in the cartoons. We won't ever be able
>    to sell any cute little Doctor Fun beanie dolls or big ugly
>    Doctor Fun blow-up dolls unless there's some kind of cute
>    little mascot, and that's the best I could come up with. (To
>    date there haven't actually been any Doctor Fun dolls of any
>    size at all.) There is a larger version of the logo available,
>    than the one that appears on this page. Nobody ever clicks on
>    it, but here it is anyway.
>    You can get the smaller version, too.
>    And a thumbnail.
>    It would be nice if I could search the Doctor Fun captions.
>    Tell me I can search the Doctor Fun captions.
>    Oh, yes, you can search the Doctor Fun captions two different
>    ways:
>    Jack Leblond at Net Smart Incorporated, and Support Your
>    Troops has kindly provided a mirror for Doctor Fun in the form
>    of a search engine. You can also get a random Doctor Fun
>    cartoon at Jack's page. Have fun.
>    Mark Plaga has created another Doctor Fun search page. Mark's
>    page will display a slide show of cartoons after you make your
>    search. Have more fun.
>    It would be great if I could search more than the captions.
>    Yes, it would be great, but none of that is available and it's
>    entirely my fault.
>    Electronic postcards are so popular with the young people
>    these days. Can I send a Doctor Fun electronic postcard to
>    some teenage girls I met on IRC?
>    You can send a smaller version of a selected number of Doctor
>    Fun cartoons as an electronic postcard at Toonogram, sponsored
>    by Cyber Loft.
>    Toonogram was provided courtesy of Mostafa Eldefrawy, who did
>    all of the work. Mostafa was also kind enough to give me the
>    code to turn any Doctor Fun into a Toonogram, which I will do
>    someday.
>    I should wish to receive Doctor Fun cartoons as missives in my
>    "electronic mail". Is there perchance a Doctor Fun mailing
>    list?
>    You can receive the latest Doctor Fun cartoon in your e-mail
>    by joining Nicholas Barnard's Doctor Fun Mailing List.
>    I'm far away. Not close up. Is there a Doctor Fun site closer
>    to me?
>    These Doctor Fun mirrors might be closer to you than ibiblio.
>    This list is new and improved because the cartoons on these
>    sites actually update. There used to be more mirrors. If you
>    know of a mirror that isn't on this list, or want to be a
>    mirror, drop me a line.
>      * Australia - Today's Doctor Fun and The Doctor Fun Page
>        from Australian Cybermalls. (Their page only updates the
>        latest cartoons, and looks different than this page.)
>      * Austria - Today's Doctor Fun and browse the Doctor Fun
>        files from the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna,
>        Austria.
>      * Germany - Today's Doctor Fun and The Doctor Fun Page from
>        Dr. Bernhard L. Winkler's WWW-Mirror at the University of
>        Bayreuth, Germany.
>      * Great Britain - Today's Doctor Fun and The Doctor Fun Page
>        from Manchester.
>      * New Zealand - Today's Doctor Fun and The Doctor Fun Page
>        from Nick Kean in New Zealand.
>      * Sweden - Today's Doctor Fun and The Doctor Fun Page from
>        SUNET.
>      * United States - Today's Doctor Fun and The Doctor Fun Page
>        from the ibiblio mirror at Yale Medical School.
>    Back to the top
>    We're a group of former Enron billionaires trying to spend our
>    now-worthless stock options on foolish purchases. Where can we
>    buy Doctor Fun stuff?
>    Nowhere that that I know of, but if you keep asking for stuff,
>    sometimes stuff appears.
>    Are you soliciting ideas for Doctor Fun?
>    No, I am not soliciting ideas for Doctor Fun.
>    But, I've got an idea..
>    No.
>    Is Doctor Fun Copyright (c) 2003 David Farley?
>    Yes. Feel free to link to Doctor Fun, send it to your friends,
>    send it to your enemies, print it out and use it for toilet
>    paper (use the glossy photo paper so you clog the toilet real
>    good) or tape it to your door. But anything beyond personal
>    use I'd appreciate it if you'd contact me. You can use all
>    those file names that never change to always link to the
>    latest cartoon, the latest logo, the latest thumbnails, the
>    latest week, and that. Thanks.
>    Some of those e-mail addresses on the old cartoons don't work.
>    That's a puzzler.
>    Yes., for instance, is out of business. This is the
>    correct address:
>    More! More! I want to know more!
>    Quick - before you wet your pants, read the tedious and
>    exhaustive Doctor Fun FAQ.
>    Thanks for reading Doctor Fun! David
>    Back to the top
>      _________________________________________________________
>     These pages maintained, and contents copyrighted, by David
>     Farley, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>    Back to the top

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