MailMarshal has stopped the following message:

   Message: BB01abe50d.00000001.mml
   Subject: Thank you!

The original mail message and its processing log are attached.

MailMarshal Rule: Inbound Messages : Block Known Virus Attachments

1620 15:33:22.951 Message From <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Return-path <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
Recipients (1) -  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
1620 15:33:22.966 Thread 3 Starting to unpack <BB01abe50d.00000001.mml>
1620 15:33:22.982 Type=MAIL,  size=104954,  Name=BB01abe50d.00000001.mml
1620 15:33:22.982   Type=MHDR,  size=538,  Name=MsgHeader.txt
1620 15:33:22.982   Type=MBODY,  size=33,  Name=Plain.txt
1620 15:33:22.982   Type=EXEW32,  size=76000,  Name=thank_you.pif
1620 15:33:22.982 1 user(s) match ruleset - Inbound Messages
1620 15:33:22.982   1 user(s) match rule - SPAM CENSOR
1620 15:33:22.982     Name=U1\BB01abe50d.00000001.mml (MAIL,104954) False
1620 15:33:22.982   0 user(s) match rule - Banned Domains
1620 15:33:22.982   1 user(s) match rule - Block Known Worms
1620 15:33:22.982     Name=U1\BB01abe50d.00000001.mml (MAIL,104954) False
1620 15:33:22.982       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,538) False
1620 15:33:22.982       Name=U2\Plain.txt (MBODY,33) False
1620 15:33:22.982       Name=U2\thank_you.pif (EXEW32,76000) False
1620 15:33:22.982   1 user(s) match rule - Block Known Virus Attachments
1620 15:33:22.982     Name=U1\BB01abe50d.00000001.mml (MAIL,104954) False
1620 15:33:22.982       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,538) False
1620 15:33:22.982       Name=U2\Plain.txt (MBODY,33) False
1620 15:33:22.982 CRuleCriteriaFileName found match for thank_you.pif in filename 
thank_you.pif [thank_you.pif]
1620 15:33:22.982       Name=U2\thank_you.pif (EXEW32,76000) TRUE Terminal
1620 15:33:22.982       Requesting Action <Inbound Messages:Block Known Virus 
Attachments:MailTemplate> be run

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