Here is the error that I get.


11/13/2003 10:43:16 PM - Starting Draco.NET

11/13/2003 10:43:26 PM - Golf : Checking module for changes

11/13/2003 10:43:26 PM - Check: 11/13/2003 9:08:18 PM

11/13/2003 10:43:26 PM - Check: 11/13/2003 9:08:18 PM

11/13/2003 10:43:28 PM - Golf : Failed to poll repository for changes because the following exception occurred:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at Chive.Draco.Scc.SvnLogParser.Parse()

   at Chive.Draco.Scc.SvnRepository.GetModifications(DateTime sinceDate)

   at Chive.Draco.BuildRunner.GetModifications(DateTime earliestModificationTime)

   at Chive.Draco.BuildRunner.CheckForChanges()



1.) I have tried Nant version 0.8.01 as well as the build from November 8th, 2003.

2.) I have tried this on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003

3.) I have tried version 1.4 and 1.5 of Draco.Net

4.) I have tried subversion 0.30.0 and 0.32.1.

5.) svn.exe is in my system path

6.) nant.exe is in my system path

7.) My build scripts work fine when called from command line

8.) I can access my subversion repository just fine when accessed from command line

9.) I have tried a domain admin account for the service

10.) I have tried a local admin account for the service

11.) I have kicked my computer across the room in frustration (well… maybe I didn’t do that – yet.)


Any help would be appreciated.  I am sure that there is something small that I am missing...  I just cant see it.








Here is my Draco.exe.config file:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>





      Register Draco's custom configuration section.  The configuration parser

      will delegate control to the ConfigurationSection class when it encounters

      the <draco> element


    <section name="draco" type="Chive.Draco.Config.ConfigurationSection, Draco" />






        This switch controls general messages. In order to receive general

        trace messages change the value to the appropriate level. "1" gives

        error messages, "2" gives errors and warnings, "3" gives more

        detailed error information, and "4" gives verbose trace information


      <add name="TraceLevelSwitch" value="4" />



    <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">



          Logs all output to a file called draco.log that will be created in

          the configuration directory (the directory containing modifications.xsl)


        <add name="Draco"

             type="Chive.Draco.Util.FileTraceListener, Draco"  />



          We do not require require the default TraceListener which logs

          output to the console.  This is meaningless since Draco runs

          as a Window Service


        <remove name="Default"/>





  <!-- Configures Draco remoting -->





          The server-activated, singleton remote object


        <wellknown mode="Singleton"


                   type="Chive.Draco.DracoRemote, Draco" />




        Register a tcp channel listening on port 8086



        <channel ref="tcp" port="8086" />






  <draco xmlns="">



      The number of seconds between polling a module for changes.

      e.g. a value of 600 means that the module will be checked for

      changes every 10 minutes.





      The number of seconds the repository must be idle for a build

      to occur.





      The domain name or IP address of of your SMTP email server.





      The email address that all email notifications are sent from.


    <fromaddress>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</fromaddress>



      This element contains a build child element for each module that

      is to be polled and rebuilt whenever a change is detected.





        This is the first module that will be monitored and built whenever a change is detected.





            A unique name for the build (mandatory).  Will appear in log output etc.





            Optionally override the pollperiod and quietperiod for this build only.







              A directory to write the build results to after each build attempt.








            Configuration for the NAnt build tool.





              The name and path to the NAnt build file to be executed.  If a path

              is given then it should be relative to the module's root directory.





              One or more explicit targets to execute, seperated by spaces.

              If not specified, the default target will be executed.







              A set of properties that should be passed to the NAnt build file via

              the -D:name=value command line option.



              <property name="property1" value="value1" />

              <property name="property2" value="value2" />






            Configuration for Subversion.





              URL to the repository.





              Authentication information. If this is omitted, Draco will attempt

              to check out the source anonymously.















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