Chuck Bryan wrote:

> I had a similar question a few weeks ago as I was trying to
> get Draco and the Nant scripts working correctly.
> The choices that others had presented where:
> 1) Put Nant in the same VSS Project Directory (sorry for the
> VSS terms when you are using subversion). Then, use relative 
> pathing to address the structure of your source code.
> 2) Use the VSS tasks that come with Nant. The VSSGet task
> allows you to set locations, etc. Draco will still get your 
> files to its temp directory, but, the build script will then 
> get files and place them where you want (i.e., a "get" is done twice).
> I tried both methods, but ended up using option #1 (mostly
> due to the double get).

I had a similar issue to this, but solved it differently in the end. I
modified Draco to pass the temporary folder location as a Nant property
(draco.workdir) to the build script. I could then have a Nant task move the
source to the required location. 

The modification - to NAntBuildTool.cs - was trivial and I've attached a
diff of the changes. I think this might be a useful property for Nant to
have access to anyway, irrespective of being a way to solve the above, so it
would be good if this could be incorporated into the Draco code. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shane Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 9:37 PM
> Subject: [Draconet-users] Having a Specific Working Copy
> Directory... instead of checking out to a different place each time?
> Is it possible to tell Draco where to check the working copy
> of the source out to? =20
> Here is why I ask this...
> 1.) We version control Nant itself along with any custom Nant
> tasks we have written.  We want the Build server to be using 
> the latest version of Nant (along with our custom tasks) as 
> we change it.  It would be very easy to "upgrade" Nant on the 
> build server if we had a controlled location to point to.
> 2.) We have a lot of our own source (and other things such as
> Nant, NDoc, NUnit, etc...) in source control.  It is a lot of 
> overhead to download all the source each time to a different 
> location - especially if perhaps only a single file has 
> changed.  If the source was checked out to a common 
> controlled location, only the diffs would be sent over the 
> wire (instead of approximately 30meg for us).
> 3.) I understand that we can create our own tasks (we use
> Subversion... does anyone out there have any tasks for it??? 
> :-) that can check out the source for us to a controlled 
> location.  This way, problems #1 and #2 would be essentially 
> solved (well... not really).  Now, however, there would be 
> two source trees - 30 meg that Draco would get check out each 
> time (to a different location) when a filed changed, and then 
> the other tree would be checked out and maintained by the 
> Nant tasks themselves (only sending diffs across the wire).  
> This seems rather wasteful as source tree that Draco checked 
> out would not be used.  It would only be slowing everything down.
> Now, I also understand that this might have been by design to
> check out code to a different location as this ensures a 
> totally clean build each and every time.  This is a very nice 
> feature for those who need to get up and running quickly.  
> However, most people should take time to create a decent 
> "clean" target that would allow a totally clean build without 
> switching working directories...
> I like the idea of checking out to a separate location to
> ensure a clean build for some, however in our case (and 
> probably many others...), it would be a nice thing to turn 
> off and have a controlled working copy location. If Draco 
> does not allow this currently, is this something that is in the works?
> Also, I am curious to see what other people's interest is in
> this... perhaps I am overlooking something and this is not a 
> concern.  If it is, perhaps I (and others) can help out.
> Respectfully,=20
> Shane
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.537 / Virus Database: 332 - Release Date: 11/6/2003 =20

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<             StartInfo startInfo = new StartInfo(nantexe, 
MakeArguments(workingDirectory), workingDirectory);
>             StartInfo startInfo = new StartInfo(nantexe, MakeArguments(), 
> workingDirectory);
<         private string MakeArguments(string workingDirectory) {
>         private string MakeArguments() {
<             args += " -D:draco.workdir=" + workingDirectory;

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