Abdullah Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the identity that the service is running under is my account. 


The problem we all have with VSS, is that Microsoft, in their ultimate wisdom, return 
error code 100 for a number of problems it might experience
during an invokation. Typically, in 99/100 times, this error is down to privileges - 
that is privileges of the draco service when it makes a call onto

My first piece of advice at this stage, would be to back out a little.  Put a VSS DB 
on your local machine, and get draco working with that - you can
remove any network privileges etc out of the loop by making this move.  Create a 
simple project and update the draco config, and see what happens. 
Also, double-check you have not set the Draco service to log on as: Local System 
Account.  I never got Draco to work this way, and have always chosen
the This Account option, with my own account details specified.

Let us knowhow you get on.

> --- Michael Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Try running Draco.NET as yourself.  If it works then you probably have  
> > a permissions issue.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On 5-Apr-04, at 8:24 PM, Abdullah Siddiqui wrote:
> > 
> > > The command ss history "$/Simulator" -R -I -N -Y"asiddiqui"
> > > -Vd"4/5/2004;4:45:02 PM~4/5/2004;4:44:02 PM" -
> > >
> > > gives the below output
> > >
> > > Building list for
> > > $/ 
> > > Simulator.............................................................. 
> > > ....................................................................... 
> > > .....
> > >
> > > While the command ss history "$/Simulator" -R -I -N -Y"asiddiqui"
> > > -Vd"4/5/2004;4:45:02 PM~4/2/2004;4:44:02 PM" -
> > >
> > > gives the following output
> > > Building list for
> > > $/ 
> > > Simulator.............................................................. 
> > > ....................................................................... 
> > > .....
> > >
> > > *****  TestCase.cs  *****
> > > Version 8
> > > User: Cnarne       Date:  4/05/04   Time:  8:38p
> > > Checked in $/Simulator/App/Business
> > > Comment:
> > >
> > > *****  SearchUser.aspx  *****
> > > Version 5
> > > User: Cnarne       Date:  4/05/04   Time:  6:59p
> > > Checked in $/Simulator/Web/Protected/Admin
> > > Comment:
> > >
> > > *****  Adduser.aspx  *****
> > > Version 5
> > > User: Cnarne       Date:  4/05/04   Time:  6:58p
> > > Checked in $/Simulator/Web/Protected/Admin
> > > Comment:
> > >
> > > .
> > > .
> > > .
> > >
> > > and so on.
> > >
> > > I understand why this would happen. As the date range that draco.net  
> > > is using
> > > is basically checking within the same instant. But why is this the  
> > > case? What
> > > setting do I have wrong that is causing this??
> > >
> > > Abdullah
> > >
> > >> cd [wherever you ss.exe is]
> > >>
> > >> ss  history "$/Simulator" -R -I -N -Y"asiddiqui" -Vd"4/5/2004;4:45:02
> > >> PM~4/5/2004;4:44:02 PM" -
> > >>
> > >> On 5-Apr-04, at 3:50 PM, Abdullah Siddiqui wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Hi,
> > >>>  I am trying to get started with Draco.NET. I am using vs.net 2003,
> > >>> vss 6.0d,
> > >>> draco.net 1.5rc1. Vss for my project is on a mapped network share,  
> > >>> the
> > >>> srcsafe.ini file is z:\srcsafe.ini. The draco.exe.config file is  
> > >>> given
> > >>> below.
> > >>> The SSDIR environment variable is set to z:\. The service is running
> > >>> under
> > >>> domain credentials that have admin privelages on both my dev machine
> > >>> and the
> > >>> vss machine. Can some one please help me out with this? I am not able
> > >>> to get a
> > >>> single successfull build.
> > >>>
> > >>> Thanks
> > >>> Abdullah
> > >>>
> > >>> ****draco.net.config****
> > >>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> > >>> <configuration>
> > >>>
> > >>>   <configSections>
> > >>>     <!--
> > >>>       Register Draco's custom configuration section.  The
> > >>> configuration parser
> > >>>       will delegate control to the ConfigurationSection class when it
> > >>> encounters
> > >>>       the <draco> element
> > >>>      -->
> > >>>     <section name="draco"
> > >>> type="Chive.Draco.Config.ConfigurationSection, Draco"
> > >>> />
> > >>>   </configSections>
> > >>>     <startup>
> > >>>     <supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/>
> > >>>     <requiredRuntime version="v1.1.4322" safemode="true"/>
> > >>>   </startup>
> > >>>   <system.diagnostics>
> > >>>     <switches>
> > >>>       <!--
> > >>>         This switch controls general messages. In order to receive
> > >>> general
> > >>>         trace messages change the value to the appropriate level. "1"
> > >>> gives
> > >>>         error messages, "2" gives errors and warnings, "3" gives more
> > >>>         detailed error information, and "4" gives verbose trace
> > >>> information
> > >>>        -->
> > >>>       <add name="TraceLevelSwitch" value="4" />
> > >>>     </switches>
> > >>>
> > >>>     <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="4">
> > >>>       <listeners>
> > >>>         <!--
> > >>>           Logs all output to a file called draco.log that will be
> > >>> created in
> > >>>           the configuration directory (the directory containing
> > >>> modifications.xsl)
> > >>>          -->
> > >>>         <add name="Draco"
> > >>>              type="Chive.Draco.Util.FileTraceListener, Draco"  />
> > >>>
> > >>>         <!--
> > >>>           We do not require require the default TraceListener which
> > >>> logs
> > >>>           output to the console.  This is meaningless since Draco  
> > >>> runs
> > >>>           as a Window Service
> > >>>          -->
> > >>>         <remove name="Default"/>
> > >>>       </listeners>
> > >>>     </trace>
> > >>>   </system.diagnostics>
> > >>>
> > >>>   <!-- Configures Draco remoting -->
> > >>>   <system.runtime.remoting>
> > >>>     <application>
> > >>>       <service>
> > >>>         <!--
> > >>>           The server-activated, singleton remote object
> > >>>          -->
> > >>>         <wellknown mode="Singleton"
> > >>>                    objectUri="Draco"
> > >>>                    type="Chive.Draco.DracoRemote, Draco" />
> > >>>       </service>
> > >>>
> > >>>       <!--
> > >>>         Register a tcp channel listening on port 8086
> > >>>        -->
> > >>>       <channels>
> > >>>         <channel ref="tcp" port="8086">
> > >>>            <serverProviders>
> > >>>               <formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
> > >>>            </serverProviders>
> > >>>            <clientProviders>
> > >>>               <formatter ref="binary" />
> > >>>            </clientProviders>
> > >>>         </channel>
> > >>>       </channels>
> > >>>     </application>
> > >>>
> > >>>   </system.runtime.remoting>
> > >>>
> > >>>   <draco xmlns="http://www.chive.com/draco";>
> > >>>
> > >>>     <!--
> > >>>       The number of seconds between polling a module for changes.
> > >>>       e.g. a value of 600 means that the module will be checked for
> > >>>       changes every 10 minutes.
> > >>>     -->
> > >>>     <pollperiod>60</pollperiod>
> > >>>
> > >>>     <!--
> > >>>       The number of seconds the repository must be idle for a build
> > >>>       to occur.
> > >>>     -->
> > >>>     <quietperiod>60</quietperiod>
> > >>>
> > >>>     <!--
> > >>>       The domain name or IP address of of your SMTP email server.
> > >>>     -->
> > >>>     <mailserver>mail.yourdomain.com</mailserver>
> > >>>
> > >>>     <!--
> > >>>       The email address that all email notifications are sent from.
> > >>>     -->
> > >>>     <fromaddress>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</fromaddress>
> > >>>
> > >>>     <!--
> > 
> === message truncated ===
> __________________________________________________

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