Title: Message
If you build as a particular user, used only for builds, then add an "ignore user" to the draco config.
      <ignore user="Build" />
There is also <ignore comment=""> support, maybe use a particular comment when labeling the project.
- Jerry
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Austin
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:24 AM
Subject: [Draconet-users] Continious building because Draco.Net sees my vss "label" as a modification

Seems, I am running to this problem because my NAnt build script will put a version label into VSS if the build is successful.  Well, because of that Draco.Net built our project ever 15 minutes last night.  I searched the faq and found nothing, googled searched and found one place where this happened as well and a reference to a link that no longer exists.
So, if someone could fill me in on the fix for this, I would appreciate it.  Also, I am run Draco.Net v. 1.5 (RC1)
Thanks a bunch!

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