-Client download includes new GUI client tool DracoGUI.exe.
This system tray application is handy for managing builds and the build server.

-Configuration for Server separated into two files. See upgrading
for details on how to migrate settings.

   -Draco.exe.config for remoting and tracing
   -Draco.builds.config for build files

-Draco Server detects changes to Draco.builds.config file and
reloads it automatically without having to restart Draco.NET

-Last build state is preserved between service restarts / config
file reloads. If build was last in "success" state, after restart
build is still in "success" state instead of "waiting" state. Build
State information is stored in text / XML format to facilitate hand

-Build results include additional information.

-New setting "maxbuilds" (per Server) limits the number of builds
that Draco.NET can run in parallel. Builds are queued up when
threshold is exceeded and builds are dequeued when running builds
fall below threshold.

-New setting "rootsourcedir" (per Server) optionally specifies
directory as root location for builds. Subfolders for each build
run will be created there for source code retrieval.

-New setting "timeoutperiod" (per Server and overrideable per
build) allows Server to abort builds that run beyond timeout limit.

-New setting "polltime" (per build) allows Server to poll build for
changes once per day at specified time hour.

-New setting "alwaysbuild" (per build) when set to true forces
build to run on each polling regardless of whether or not there are
changes in the source repository detected.

-Source Control failures put build into error state. Notifications
include more detailed diagnostic information about external
executible failures, including full command line, environment
variables, stdout/stderr, and exit code.

-Visual Source Safe scc module always monitoring/retrieval of
multiple projects. Use | as separator on project element.

-Visual Source Safe log parsing improved.

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