Incidentally, I've got a Drake labelled "monitor" which IS a B&W TV set!

John K5MO

At 03:30 PM 10/15/04 -0500, Rodger Singley wrote:
>"Rodger Singley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
>I just picked up a Theta 9000 which does seem to work but it came with a
>Theta 7000 manual which is of little use.  I know I need to get a manual
>but in the meantime can someone who has one tell me how to switch from
>the 80 to 40 character per line display mode (perhaps at 40 I can
>actually read the characters on the TV I am temporarily using as a
>monitor for it).
>Thanks and 73,
>Rodger WQ9E
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