Message: 1
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 12:42:48 -0400
From: "Steve Wedge" <>
To: "Drake List" <>
Subject: [Drakelist] Watch those ball bearings!
Message-ID: <FDBA39BAD94F41FA8EE37F63BEC4CC03@Shack7>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Working on cleaning and refurbishing R-4B s/n 15533B, I removed the
PTO and started to clean and re-lube the bearings.  After some 3-in-1
oil and Rem Oil in all the usual places, it was still a little stiff,
so I removed the cover and started backing off the tension adjustment.
 I now know that it doesn't take much tension removal to make the ball
bearings start dropping onto and rolling about the table!  It was a
bit of a bear getting them all back in, but about 20 minutes later -
mission accomplished.  It's tuning smoother but I'm still feeling some
roughness when turning it by the shaft.  I suspect the action will be
easier with that big knob back on it.

Watch the bearings when adjusting tension!

The R-4B has been washed on the top only, rinsed with distilled water,
air-blasted and is now sitting in its sauna in the kitchen, where I'm
keeping the temp at around 140 to help with drying it out.  It will
get re-capped over the coming week.


Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Plato
Do be do be do. - Sinatra

All my computers have my signature with various pearls of wisdom
appended thereto.
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Good luck with the refurb.  I am starting to use my Drakes again as
the 3rd floor shack can now use a bit of heat again comfortably.
I had a very tight VFO on my R4B and took all the gears out and
cleaned them.  I put a single drop or two of 3-1 or similar on the
bearings and 'exercised' them for a while it gradually came back to a
nice feel with out adjustment.    I have the R4B / T4Xb working pretty
well now and this year I will return to the TR-4 project which has a
'jumpy' VFO which seems to be getting better but I don't think it will
fix itself like the R4B did so I have purchased a replacement to try
if it comes to it.  The other issue will be to get the one crystal
filter working again.  I want to try and repair the filter and have
collected a bunch of parts and even gotten it sort of working but not
good enough yet.  I also have an AC3 that needs caps.

I have some pix of my completed Drake projects on

Paul K3PG

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