Brilliant, Jim.  Looks like I've got to add that to my Lowe's list :)


Steve, W1ES/4

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jim Shorney <>
>Sent: Nov 30, 2011 9:56 PM
>To: "" <>
>Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Stability Test and FAN
>On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 19:46:36 -0500, Steve Wedge wrote:
>>This is a nice extra!  I just stuck some rubber feet on my fan and it rests 
>>on top.  I periodically have to move it back over after a few days, but it 
>>avoids having to drill/enlarge any holes. 
>Hve you tried those thin adhesive magnetic strips? They should keep the fan
>from walking, and you would elimiate the air gap.
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