I would think that the only "reliable" way to accomplish QRP with the Drake rigs (assuming the 4 line tube rigs mostly) would be to build up a good transmitting attenuator pad and "use up" the wattage in that pad. Many examples can be found in old Johnson literature designed to let their many transmitters feed the "kilowatt desk" amp they built. I'm planning to do that to feed some of my transmitters into my Alpha amp which needs a low drive level. You do need to watch for "overshoot" upon initial keying, I am told in some literature.

Otherwise, the old dummy load (light bulb if you want to see your keying) on the end of a coax "tee", then use the small sampling used normally to "see" the signal on an oscilloscope, might be just enough power to suit your needs. Either way "wastes" the power, but could heat and briefly light your shack, hi hi. (Tongue firmly in cheek).

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