On Sun, 1 Jan 2012 13:59:22 -0500, Eddy Swynar wrote:

>To-day I just discovered something that is specific to the old EICO Model 717 
>electronic keyer---but it just *could* be applicable to any other gear in your 
>possession that utilizes a field coil / reed relay to accomplish rapid circuit 

Thanks, Eddy! I acquired a 717 in GV condition a couple of years ago because
the price was right, and becuase that's the keyer that my Elmer had in his
all-Swan station back in 1975. To the newly-minted teenage Novice, that was
just the coolest thing ever! I finally got a round tuit a couple of weeks ago
and set it up in the shack. 

Did your 1/4" measurement include the wire terminal on the end, or just the
glass body of the reed?

Interestingly, I touched base with my Elmer around 10 or so years later, after
I had acquired my TR-7. He had retired the Swan gear and replaced it with -
guess what? A TR-7! I don't know if he still used that 717 with it.



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