My R4C seemed a bit poor in the sensitivity department so I had an idea to 
improve it. I aligned the R4C pretty well but it didn't seem very lively.

So with the bottom chassis visible I took my screw driver and loosened/ 
tightend each screw twice on each side of the 4 rows of trimmer bracket ground. 
 Wow.....what a difference in sensitivity mainly 160-20M and in between.  I 
estimate a  8-10 dB of more gain.  I learned this method of re-establishing 
grounds from a metallurgist(sp)ham neighbor who showed me what happens to two 
surfaces create a fine film a lose bonding with time. If the two metals are 
much different the faster the degradation.

Your mileage may vary. I recommend all accessible screws and can 
cure some pretty obscure problems and takes less than 15 minutes.  I had to 
recalibrate the S-meter because of the gain change. It should work on R4any 
receiver........or any old boatanchor.

Bill  KB9IV
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