Can someone help me? I am attempting to to repair a T4XC which has been
owner repaired before, but which has been working properly on all bands.

I can not find a couple of things I see on the schematic. And I see
something else I can not account for.

I would like someone to tell me what component(s) are supposed to be
connected to the following band switch lugs:

1. On the band switch wafer between the right angle drive and
the chassis partition rearward of the right angle drive, with the
transmitter inverted, looking into the rig from above, the solder lug
closest to the observer, and nearest the bolt holding the switch wafer to
the chassis partition--- what is supposed to be connected to this lug, and
where does the other end of this component go?

2. On the same band switch wafer, rotating inward about 90 degrees from the
above lug, there are no solder lugs. The first lug you come to after this
space--- what component(s) are supposed to connect here, and where do they
go in the transmitter?

Believe me, I am not as crazy as this sounds!

Thanks to one and all,

73, Bill VE3AUI
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