
On 03/06/2012 11:34 AM, Kaloyan Kovachev wrote:
> Yes. You may use floating IP for DRBD and have one instance (IP) in site A
> and another in site B for each service.
> Do not use the service IP as floating IP as you will have problems moving
> the service from A to B.
> If A1 is active, you have the DRBD_A1 IP on that node, wich will move to
> A3 in case of failure before the service ... now you have DRBD_A1 and the
> service running on A3 over DRBD_A1, while DRBD_B1 will run undependable on
> B1 or B3.
> Now your A site goes down - you promote DRBD_B1 to primary and start A1
> service on B1 over DRBD_B1.

interesting. So you suggest that A1 should DRBD-sync with B1 at all
times etc.?

Keep in mind that this is shared storage we're talking about here, no
local disks in either A1 *or* B1. I believe DRBD could be made to
operate thus, but there might be performance issues.

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