On 2017/10/17 3:19 PM, Roberto Resoli wrote:
but the second [editor's note] number returned is the
"Aggregate cluster storage", as stated by the output
of the same command without the "machine-readable"
flag (-m).

It should be divided by $redundancy in order to obtain the correct value.
Actually, rather an approximate value than the correct one.

The value reported as free space for the specified redundancy takes meta data into account, using the currently configured maximum peers value. It is supposed to be the maximum size of a single volume that can be created with the specified redundancy, but even this value is only half-way correct. E.g., creating two volumes with half the size each would still fail due to fixed meta data overhead per volume.

That being said, what is or is not a correct value is mostly a question of interpretation.

It would possibly make more sense to simply query free-space for the currently configured redundancy and report free space as total space in the Proxmox GUI.


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