> > I don't really understand why drbd8.4 module was loaded (from pve kernel
> > package) instead of drbd-dkms (aka 9) module ...
> >
> > Just ran dpkg-reconfigure drbd-dkms and rebooted servers to check if
> > correct version is loaded at boot time.

Personally, I choose to use 'apt-mark hold' to prevent new kernels from
installing automatically. I prefer to have control when to install a new
kernel for such reason.
Someone mentioned that there's a 'pveupgrade' command which shows more
information during 'apt dist-upgrade', but I have never tried it.

> It is pretty simple, it builds/depmods the .kos and puts them in an
> "update" directory in the /lib/modules (every distribution like to call
> this "update" dir differently, even Debian vs. Ubuntu IIRC).

If Proxmox was shipping DRBD9 in their kernel (instead of DRBD8), as they
were doing initially, then DKMS wouldn't be needed at all, but well, that's
their decision ...
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