I have to pass on my thanks and respect.

I have been running a 3 node "Stacked" replication set on 8.9.6 for some years now.  This weekend I finally bit the bullet and installed 9.11.0 from the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS  repos on new hardware and I am blown away at how simple and efficient the move was.

1. Define the resource
2. create-md
3. bring it up
4. Go home and drink tea...

wow - it "just works" and how!  I came in this morning the happy owner of a newly replicated set of 16 VMs and I have paid not a cent to you guys.

The very least I can do is say thanks.  Thanks for the great work and thanks even more for making it publicly accessible.

* Paul O'Rorke*
* Tracker Software Products (Canada) Limited *
www.tracker-software.com <http://www.tracker-software.com/>
 Tel:  +1 (250) 324 1621
 Fax: +1 (250) 324 1623


http://www.tracker-software.com/support <http://www.tracker-software.com/support>
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On 2021-08-26 9:09 a.m., Paul D. O'Rorke wrote:

Thanks Lars,

DRBD 9 does everything DRBD 8 does.
Some things it does better.
And it can do some things you may not (yet) need.

I went ahead and did the reading...  ;-)   I will move to DRBD9.

You can use DRBD 9 the same way you used DRBD 8, if you want to.
(some config options have been renamed, or moved to different sections)

I was very pleased to see how my current config will still work without having to revisit what I am doing.

You guys really are amazing with what you offer for free! Thanks for the great work.  You have saved my bacon multiple times.


* Paul O'Rorke*
* Tracker Software Products (Canada) Limited *
www.tracker-software.com <http://www.tracker-software.com/>
 Tel:  +1 (250) 324 1621
 Fax: +1 (250) 324 1623


http://www.tracker-software.com/support <http://www.tracker-software.com/support>
 Download latest Releases
http://www.tracker-software.com/downloads/ <http://www.tracker-software.com/downloads/>

On 2021-08-26 6:03 a.m., Lars Ellenberg wrote:
On Tue, Aug 03, 2021 at 03:34:58PM -0700, Paul D. O'Rorke wrote:
Hi all,

I have been running a DRDB-8 simple 3 node disaster recovery set up of
libvirt VMs for a number of years and have been very happy with it.   Our
needs are simple, 2 servers on Protocol C, each running a handful of VMs as
primary and replicated to the other, and both stacked to a third server via
protocol A for disaster recover/point in time backups (I run my nightly
backups off of the tertiary node so as to limit the impact on the two
primary servers.)

Now my hardware needs replacing and it looks like DRBD 8 is no longer
available?    We are not Amazon, we do not need a full cluster with all it's
bells and whistles, the classic DRBD8 three node setup still works for me.

My question is whether DRBD8 is still "supported"and whether there are good
reasons to move to DRBD9?
Depends on what you feel "supported" means.

As we put on our web page athttps://linbit.com/solutions-rfq/
DRBD 8 < 8.4 is end of life.
DRBD 8.4 has left "active maintenance" years ago, but needs to be supported
while existing customers pay for existing deployments.  The "relevant" platform
here is RHEL 7, which ends its "Extended Lifecycle Support" in 2026,
so that's the end date for our 8.4 support as well.

For new deployments, or more recent Platforms (RHEL 8, etc),
Linbit does provide support for DBRD 9 or later.

DRBD 9 does everything DRBD 8 does.
Some things it does better.
And it can do some things you may not (yet) need.

You can use DRBD 9 the same way you used DRBD 8, if you want to.
(some config options have been renamed, or moved to different sections)


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