You probably have a DRBD 8 kernel module loaded, then drbdadm parses the configuration in v8 format which doesn't have node-id.

Hope that helps,

Best regards Johannes

Von meinem Huawei-Mobiltelefon gesendet

-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [DRBD-user] V9 res file syntax
Von: "Paul D. O'Rorke"

Can I convince anyone to show me a working res file for the V9 3 node setup with multiple NICs and direct connections?

Try as I may I simply cannot get my res file to parse.

I even tried doing it all on the one network as per the first example but I can't even get the examples to parse, a copy/paste of the 3 node example complains that "connection-mesh" in in the wrong place.  I figured I would take a working example and go from there but even then I get:

drbd.d/webdav.res:7: Parse error: 'disk | device | address | meta-disk | flexible-meta-disk' expected,
        but got 'node-id'

so I can't even seem to get the right structure and I am clearly missing something fundamental here...

Does anyone have any suggestions?

 Paul O'Rorke

On 2021-10-05 3:13 p.m., Paul D. O'Rorke wrote:

Hi guys,

sorry to keep bugging you with this.  Can anyone give me a sample working res file for a 3 node setup with crossover links? 

It says here :

"If you have got enough network cards in your servers, you can create direct cross-over links between server pairs. A single four-port ethernet card allows to have a single management interface, and to connect 3 other servers, to get a full mesh for 4 cluster nodes."

I do, and each of the three nodes can ping the other two nodes to which they are connect.  But I am confused about how/where their IPs and ports are defined in the .res file.    I have three hosts connected directly via discrete interfaces on each node.:

01 <----> 02 ----
02 <----> 03 ----
01 <----> 03 ----

back to the page is then says this:

In this case you can specify a different IP address to use the direct link:

resource r0 {
  connection {
    host alice   address;
    host bob     address;
  connection {
    host alice   address;
    host charlie address;
  connection {
    host bob     address;
    host charlie address;

I assume the ... on line 2 is referring to the previous example above that, which is:

resource r0 {
  device    /dev/drbd1;
  disk      /dev/sda7;
  meta-disk internal;
  on alice {
    node-id   0;
  on bob {
    node-id   1;
  on charlie {
    node-id   2;
  connection-mesh {
    hosts alice bob charlie;

But I keep getting parsing errors no matter where I put that "connection" stanza.  drbdadm complains with:

# drbdadm up webdav
drbd.d/webdav.res:18: Parse error: 'protocol | on | disk | net | syncer | startup | handlers | ignore-on | stacked-on-top-of' expected,
 but got 'connection' (TK 282)

I do apologize if I am again asking a question the answer to which is right in front of my face and I'm not seeing it, but where do the three "connection" statements go?  Obviously they don't go where I put them.
What would a complete example of a 3 node V9 with a discrete NIC and cable between each node look like?

Please and thanks and sorry to be asking such a newb question.  :(


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