-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n201 --------------

    001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Chock full of meening.
    002 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Neon-lakes
    003 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Car Wreck

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n201.1 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Chock full of meening.
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:34:48 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title Chock full of meening. Sean Mudie
Date of Dream 20/11/99 9:00am
Dream This dream happened on the morning of 20-11-99

The fist part of the dream was I was painting with some friends(not sure 
who). The colour of the paint was a light blue. There were some holes in 
the wall and I painted inside the holes. Inside 2 of the holes was a 
spider. Both were black I think 1 was fat and the other thin.I stepped back 
from the wall I was painting and bumpped into my aunty. I said sorry to my 
aunty and then I was on a river. The river was brown. I was floating down 
the river with my girlfriend on a square wodden raft. On the side of the 
river was a huge snake whos head and part of its body were standing up out 
of the water the snake was green. On the bank next to the snake was an 
elephant. The snake was as high as the elephant even though it only had 
part of its body out of the water. The snake and the elephant were 
fighting. The elephant using its trunk and the snake rapping itself around 
the elephants trunk. The dream then zoomed in to show the snake rapped 
around the elephants trunk. At this point the e!
lephant had 2 trunks and it used the 2nd trunk to grap the snake and cast 
it into the water. The next thing that happened was that there was a lion 
cub in the water and a crocodile attacked the lion cub injuring it. The cub 
then escaped out of the water but it had been wounded. The next thing that 
happened was that my girlfriend and I were falling(I seemed to be falling 
past levels) and I could see my daughter but she was a teenager(she is only 
6 months old now). She had long black hair.That is the most distinctive 
thing that I remember about her. We then died from the fall and then found 
ourselves in a dark tunnel.It was not Hell but it was a place in between 
heaven and hell(I think that it is called Hades not sure), the place was 
very black and dark. There was a skeleton that walked passed us and some 
ghosts (they might have been fat not sure)also walked passed us. We walked 
down the tunnel and came to a junction were the tunnel continued on the 
other side of a small room. T!
here were some people there and a man that worked there.The man had a 
clipboard and had black hair a goatee and a mustache. He was serving 
someone who was asking to go back to life. The man said ok and the other 
person disapered. I then asked the man if my girlfriend and I could go back 
because we had a daughter to look after, after I asked him some other men 
said that they were there before me, I said that I was there first and then 
they said that that I was only there for a few minutes. Suddenly something 
happened and metal gates with spikes on the bottem of them started coming 
down in the tunnels to stop people from going anywere. The man who worked 
there grabbed my hand and I grabed my girlfriends hand and we started 
running down the tunnel. Because he worked there he knew secret ways passed 
the gates. The next thing that happened was that I was a slave and my 
girlfriend was a blonde headed weastern women(my girlfriend has black hair 
and is Japanese) and we were on a slave!
ship. My girlfriend was not a slave though. The ship was an old wodden ship 
that had slaves that rowed it. My girlfriend walked into the room and wrote 
the word color and the letter u on the wall in yellow. She wrote the word 
with a yellow knife. My girlfriend then gave me the knife and I gave a nail 
to another slave because we were going to revolt(I didnt see my girlfriend 
anymore after she gave me the knife). As the ship came into dock there were 
thousands of people waiting for the ship to arrive. The ship was a trade 
ship that traded in meat and other things. The trade ship had not had a 
good time trading and had not managed to get many goods. We then started 
the revolt only to have knights on hoarses(I think the hoarses were brown 
and the knights might have had maces) come against us. The knights had blue 
on them and I think that there helmets were in the shape of goats heads. I 
got the feeling that the knights were evil. We were losing the revolt but 
we had an old cannon!
(one of those cannons that you have to fire by lighting a fuse) that we 
decided to use. We put 3 small metal balls into the cannon and opened the 
door and fired. The cannon fire missed the knights and instead went 
straight and killed a king and a queen that were on the balcony of a 
castle. The king and queen were dressed in yellow. Because the king and 
queen were dead some soldiers came to our rescue. They were on foot and 
dressed in yellow. They had long pikes that they defeated the knights with. 
I was then on a school camp with 3 friends. We were either flying or on a 
river and we were going through a valley that had a river at the bottem of 
it. We were at the top of the valley so we could see really far. The place 
was really beatiful. There were many trees. We then continued on and we 
went passed a cliff that had a few small buildings on it. They might have 
been white. One of us said that, that would be a good place to base jump. I 
then found myself in a hollow tree trunk. !
I was sitting at the back of it and then some birds flew into the tree 
trunk and then started eating something. There were 3-5 birds and they were 
either black or white(I think black) and they had yellow tails. The birds 
finished eating and then flew out of the trunk and away. My friends and I 
then arrived at the school camp. There were already other schools there. We 
put our bags down and my friends ran down into the bushes. I sat down on a 
white plastic chair and looked down to see a big hole in the ground and at 
the bottem there was a small river or creek. There were some people from 
another school at the bottem and a girl started to argue with me. I think 
that she was saying that it is no good to be poor, and I asked what was 
wrong with being poor. I was then in a race with other people from at the 
camp. We were all covered in mud and had to run down our indivdual lanes 
kicking a soccer ball. I kicked my ball as hard as I could and then ran 
after it, while the other people!
kicked there balls little bit by little bit. I then woke up :)

Thank for reading my dream. This dream is really troubling me as I can not 
get it out of my head. Any help that anyone can give me on this dream would 
be most welcome. I have since started reading books on dreams but I dont 
seem to be getting anywhere with the dream. I know this dream is very 
important and has alot of meaning but I just cant work out the meaning.

 >From Sean

Comments by Dreamer I need help with this dream.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Please email me if you are going to use this dream or 
if it gets published. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I would also like my name and email address put on the dream to get further 
comment from readers.

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n201.2 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Neon-lakes
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 23:20:07 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dec 1, 1999
Neon-lakes, by dreambat

At school, like my old high school. Class is just about over. Something 
important has just happened. I have shifted status. The teacher, she looks 
at me real proud like and says "So, now you know all about computers 
everyone will ~~~~~~~~ you. the "~~~~" is something like want, respect, 
envy and be interested and desirous.  But as everyone gets up and leaves 
the class, it seems just like always and I think its odd I don't get the 
attention the teacher said I would.
   I leave and go up a mountain train. I'm on my way to some ruins, a place 
where I am going to camp for the weekend.  Along the way I see a beautiful 
mountain lake. Reeds, grass, swans, the full layout. Even more interesting, 
it glows neon. I can't believe that its not the center of the dream (or I 
think something like that, like a semi awareness I am dreaming in the 
dream) and finally pass on towards camp. Its getting really, really, late. 
the lights are going out, its getting dark. I wake up.

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n201.3 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Car Wreck
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 23:29:07 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dec 1, 1999
Car Wreck  by dreambat

  I am on my way to ~~~~~ with my wife, Cassidy.  Its my old home town, but 
I don't seem to realize that in the dream. I try to make a turn and damn, I 
bump another car. At first I think its nothing. We kind of nod to each 
other that I was wrong and we will just go on. But then I see it is really 
dented. And its still moving, and eventually slides off the road.
   I go to the house of the family whose car I have wrecked. They are like 
a nice, lower middle class family. They are quite upset about the car being 
wrecked, and it seems they want me to be guilty, but they are not really 
aggressive or mean.  I particularly remember the young man, late 
twenties.Not a hick,but I felt sorry for him, he was so plain, simple, 
  Police come to take a report. I tell them what happened, that I was 
trying to make the light and in my rush the other car was bumped. The young 
man says "well, that's not quite how it happened."  In the dream I find it 
odd and unexpected that he says this and wonder why he had a different 
sense of what happened.
   Upon awakening from the dream, I realize the road and wreak happened 
just outside my oldest friend of 30 years who has now passed out of my 
life. He was a very mean person, and after many decades I let go of the 
relationship. The wreak occurred right outside his parents house, where we 
used to play.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n201 ---------------

dream-flow is for the sharing of dreams
Courtesy of DreamGate www.dreamgate.com

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