-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n218 --------------

    001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Travelling to Missouri,
    002 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Why did I go to the wedding?

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n218.1 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Travelling to Missouri,
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 15:56:39 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title Travelling to Missouri, kbh32
Date of Dream 12/30/99, early AM
Dream Travel mostly to other states in my dreams. Dreamt that I went to 
Missouri, have never actually been there, can't remember anything else 
about dream.
Comments by Dreamer
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--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n218.2 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Why did I go to the wedding?
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 14:47:32 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              Why did I go to the wedding?  by PG
Date of Dream            01/01/00, early morning
Dream                    I meet N's 3 year old, dark-haired and dark-eyed 
son for the first time.  He is bright and charming, and looks a lot like 
N.  Her small dark dachshund dog comes up to me, apparently remembering me 
from before, and delighted to be patted and held gently.  I am relieved 
she's OK, remembering how roughly N handles her dogs.  These meetings take 
place in an entrance-room area with dark wood panelling.  Her son is on one 
side of a small round wood table, and I and the dog on the other.

Then I realize I really should move on, as I have been invited to N's 
wedding.  I walk to another area, like the open spaces in ritzy hotels 
outside of banquet rooms.  I feel really out of place, out-classed, and 
even more socially inept than usual.  A woman gets up from a sofa and walks 
toward the room the wedding is in.  She's dressed in a way that indicates 
wealth and class.  I watch her walk away.  I get up, determined to get on 
with it.  I am worried about how I look walking away, not really very happy 
with the only nice outfit I had to wear.  I am surprised and relieved to 
see I really look OK, even nice.  I am carrying an old tunic top, a 
favorite of mine because it is so comfortable and easy to care for and 
wear, though not at all stylish.  In the dream I clearly see its colors of 
light brown, with slashes of red/orange and turquoise (this is an actual 
tunic I have).  I don't want to carry it around the wedding area so choose 
an easy chair and leave it stuffed under th!
e seat.  I am sure to take careful note of where I leave it so I can 
retrieve it later.

Then I enter the wedding room/suite, very anxious about having to socialize 
with total strangers.  Thinking I'd just hang out on the edges alone if I 
wouldn't then feel I'd stand out as awkward and ungracious.  I'm also 
concerned about how N will respond to seeing me.  I'd ended our friendship 
years ago and it was a surprise to receive the invitation.  I have a moment 
of panic: maybe the invitation was a mistake!  Maybe someone just mailed to 
every address in her book.  There are some women around as N enters from 
another room.  My eyes meet N's.  She gives no response whatsoever, either 
of recognition, or surprise, or welcome, nothing.  She looks quite 
beautiful, slimmer than when we'd been friends.  She is dressed in two 
flattering shades of lavender (in waking life, my favorite color, and the 
color of the wall paper on my new web site), which I clearly see in the 
dream.  I watch her and the other women for a little bit.  I imagine what 
my friend G would say: "Why did you ev!
en go!?"  I decide I want to leave.  There seems no reason for me to put 
myself through this anxiety.  I don't want to disturb N by leaving at a 
point when she'd notice.  I wait until she's looking elsewhere and involved 
in a conversation, and I walk quietly out, into the space with sofas and 
chairs.  I pass through into the area where I'd been with N's son and dog, 
when I remember the favorite old tunic that I left in the chair.  I turn 
around to retrieve it as I don't want to lose it.
Comments by Dreamer      N was an actual friend, & I did end the 
friendship; she was rough with her dog (not a dachshund); but had no son at 
that time.  I do think of myself as inept in large gatherings like 
weddings.  I've spent the last several years very withdrawn (partly 
menopause and party other factors),from all but work contacts and a few 
very close friends(this is changing).  All of the anxious feelings 
expressed in the dream I have waking. There's a strong association with the 
dachshund in the dream to an old dream I had when I was a teenager (I'm 
turning 56 on Jan 4): I was 16 and had this intense dream that I was 
pregnant.  I could actually feel the weight of my belly and the warmth of 
extra blood pulsing in it. It was a good feeling (as are all pregnancy 
dreams I have, even post-hysterectomy... though they are fewer in these 
years).  I woke up suddenly to find that I was on my back and that the 
family dog, Isolde, was sleeping curled up on my belly.
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--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n218 ---------------

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