-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n223 --------------

    001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - "Victoria Falls" by Grace
    002 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - subway...
    003 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - "Movie"

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n223.1 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "Victoria Falls" by Grace
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 13:52:35 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title "Victoria Falls" by Grace
Date of Dream 01/01/00 - early morning
Dream I am a teacher and my classroom is right outside of Victoria Falls 
(which I have never visited in waking consciousness). I want to go outside 
and see what it looks like, so I do. All of a sudden, two ladies crawl up 
on either side. One of them has brought her son with her. She tells me that 
she needs to leave her son with me for a little while and asks if I will 
watch him for me. I agree to. I am wondering how these two ladies made it 
up the side of such a steep waterfall - they only have on regular clothes 
and sneakers. I go to the edge to get a better look and see the landscape - 
also that there is no water, but there are wooden steps going down. I feel 
that the steps are not sturdy enough to support me and when I do I start to 
get that "scared of heights" feeling and another teacher pulls me back into 
the classroom. I was lucid (conscious) for this entire dream and was 
dissapointed that I didn't tell myself to just fly down the waterfull an!
d explore that way. I woke up shortly after this.
Comments by Dreamer The moon was in Scorpio that night - is that a night 
when lots of psychic impressions can be picked up? Any relevance? Also, in 
the dream I had the next night, I spoke to my mother and Grandmother about 
this dream.
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--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n223.2 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: subway...
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 13:53:16 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title subway...
Date of Dream i dont remember
Dream im in the subway with my friend sabrina and i was getting something 
out of my backpack so i asked her to hold my wallet and metrocard. she said 
allright and i asked her to put it away for me. she did and then handed it 
back to me. but instead of putting it in a slot or something, she rolled it 
up into a little ball and shoved it into a compartment fit for a pen or 
something. i got kind of angry and said now it might not work anymore.
so i went to the tester machine (it was for some reason like a double 
machine, and there was someone testing theirs on the other side) and i 
swiped it a few times. at first it didnt work, but after a couple of tries 
it started flashing "jackpot" like in a casino. then from the change slot 
(which shouldnt be on the testing machine anyway...) came out 2 bottles of 
hershey's chocolate syrup and some other weird things.
i asked sabrina if i should take them or not, and i think she said no but i 
took them anyway. (who wouldnt want free chocolate syrup? ...well that was 
my thought in the dream)
then later in another "scene" we were still in the subway except instead of 
a ceiling there was kind of a grating thing and someone was spraying water 
down into the subway. we tried to run away from getting wet but it didnt help.
Comments by Dreamer thats all i remember but im sure there was more to 
that. its very strange... if it means something that would be sorta cool. 
thanks. and my email is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
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Permission Comments sure.

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n223.3 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "Movie"
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 05:07:12 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title "Movie"
Date of Dream
Dream I have a reoccuring dream that as I watch a scary movie, it starts 
comming true. The only way I can stop the events from happening is if I 
personally turn the movie off, but nobody will let me. Therefore I am stuck 
watching my friends and family getting killed.
Comments by Dreamer
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Permission Comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n223 ---------------

dream-flow is for the sharing of dreams
Courtesy of DreamGate www.dreamgate.com

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