-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n349 --------------

    001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - traveling
    002 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Not Alone
    003 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Heart Overwhelmed
    004 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - takmais
    005 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - RPG Game

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n349.1 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: traveling
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 14:49:59 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              traveling  jijijean
Date of Dream            4 or 5 times
Dream                    I dream that I am trying to go somewhere.  usually 
it's to an airport. But I don't know where I'm going.  Sometimes I can't 
get to the airport.  Sometimes I do and then I can't find out what gate my 
plane is at or my destination.  Sometimes I feel that if I do get 
somewhere, it will mean that I am going to die.
Comments by Dreamer      Frightening.  Causes tension and anxiety.
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--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n349.2 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Not Alone
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 16:34:18 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              Not Alone:Jessie
Date of Dream            July 2/around 2 am
Dream                    I had a dream where my sister, my friend, and I 
were sleeping in someone's living room. We were scared, because we kept 
thinking that we saw someone looking at us from outside through the window. 
After a while, they went outside looking for the person, but they didn't 
see anyone. Sure that they were safe, the two of them went to sleep. I was 
still scared, and heard a noise coming from another room. I opened it to 
find the owner of the house uneasy. He said that he had thought there was 
someone outside also, and was scared. He said that I could stay in there so 
that I would not be alone. I sat in bed next to him, and I could still see 
the face in the window. I wasn't scared anymore and fell asleep.
Comments by Dreamer      Mant people have told me what they thought of this 
dream, and I am looking for other people's thoughts. The reason I am so 
interested in this dream is because it was so intense. My senses were so sharp.
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--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n349.3 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Heart Overwhelmed
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 16:33:56 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              Heart Overwhelmed , Chanse
Date of Dream            Reoccurring
Dream                    History: I am a 25 yr old female-I have been 
married for 7 yrs.-The man I refer to in the dream is someone I actually 
did know as a friend before my marriage-I have only seen him once since in 
passing at a store.

The Dream:

I have been having these reoccurring dreams for over 5 yrs. now.  I run 
into and old (guy) friend I have not seen in years.  We are extremely happy 
to see each other again. We gaze into each others eyes and just know we are 
meant to spend the rest of our lives together.  We abandon our current 
lives as we know them and run off together.  I leave my marriage without 
hesitation, gather my child, and leave with him.

   It is not as if we instantly fall in love, but rather like we have an 
endless, unconditional love.  We have finally found each other again, and 
it is time to move forward with our lives together.

    The theme stays the same, the places are usually public, and it has not 
been sexual in nature.

    I feel an overwhelming, unconditional love for him that haunts me for 
weeks after each dream, and wreaks havoc on my daily life. I even find 
myself looking for him around the corner, at the store, or where ever I may 
Comments by Dreamer      I need some perspective about these reoccurring 
dreams, because my heart takes them very literally.  The unconditional love 
seems as real as anything I have ever felt. The more I try to ignore the 
dreams the more often they occur. I actually could find this person in real 
life, but I have not made attempts to do so.
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--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n349.4 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: takmais
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 17:12:45 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              takmais
Date of Dream            7-25-00
Dream                    somewhat vague dream.  I'm in my car and at least 
2 recognizable friends are with me.  I am aware that weve got marijuana in 
the car and were on our way to another friend of ours house.  when we get 
there there are cops there or they followed us there.  we get out and the 
two people i'm with get either arrested or are in trouble but theyre not 
taken away and theyre sitting outside the house with me as the cops search 
the house of the friends were visiting.  The girl who lives at the house 
runs out and hands me a bag of marijuana and tells me to dump it quick so i 
run farther  back into the yard where a tiolet sits (not in real life)and i 
flush the pot.  I then walk back up and realize i've got marijuana on me 
but im not too worried bacause the cops dont seem to be paying much 
attention to me.  I'm sorta feeling invincable and very good about myself 
that i'm not in trouble and everyoen else aparently is.  the girl then 
comes back out and says that i sho!
uld get rid of the pot im carrying so i reach down and stick it under a 
rock for safe keeping.  Then knowing that i'm not going to get in any 
trouble and i'll still have some pot after all this is over, i turn to my 
friends with a big smile and say "were gettin high tonight!"  thats where 
the dream ends i think.
Comments by Dreamer      at the time of the dream i had the impression that 
i'd had similar dreams before but can no longer remember when or what 
about.  also, a few years back marijuana was a very big part of my life but 
hasnt been so for some time.
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--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n349.5 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RPG Game
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 10:17:52 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title              RPG Game by DBSboy
Date of Dream            June 94
Dream                     In this dream i started off traveling in a group 
of fighters. A monster attacks, one of our members were hurt and the 
monster fled.

  We found a peasant house and the woman living there invited us to stay 
there for the nite. While we walked around the village, I saw a statue of 
the monster which attacked us. The lady explained to us that the monsters, 
each with its own area, will not go near others of their own kind. The same 
night we gathered and discussed how to rid the monsters, and one thing we 
decided was to drive a car. I was the one chosen to drive. I sat in the car 
and started it (In real life I didn't know how to drive). The car swung 
left and right. I felt dizzy and finally i dropped out of the car, lying on 
the ground. A girl with a group of guys came by and said I was a girl(I am 
a guy), I fell unconcious before I could repond.  The next thing I know I 
was walking in a hallway, and a best friend of mine came. He was very angry 
and punched me in my stomach. I punched him in return. He said he was told 
that I was flirting with his girlfriend (the girl I saw before I fell 
unconcious, in real life w!
e never met each other). I explained to him what I wasn't flirting with 
her, and in fact I didn't know she is his girlfriend. He then went away. I 
followed him to a room and he was using the computer. I kept walking to the 
next room and his girlfriend sleeping in bed, that's when I first noticed 
she was bery beautiful(as he told me in real life). That's the end of my dream.
Comments by Dreamer      this is a dream long time ago, but i still 
remember it clearly, so i thought i might share it with other people.
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--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n349 ---------------

dream-flow is for the sharing of dreams
Courtesy of DreamGate www.dreamgate.com

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