Dear Richard et al,
     Yes, I am on the list and have been following the discussion. Since
I have just taken over the chair from Kelly, I'm still not quite up to
speed, and appreciate being able to follow the discussion to see what
people have had on their minds. You'll hear more from me soon. Thanks
for putting me on the list.

"Wilkerson, Richard" wrote:
> Hi to all,
>     A few people have been wondering if they are actually *on* this list
> and missing the dialogue.    No,  you are subscribed, but we just haven't
> begun discussing the topic yet.
>      Stan Krippner, who is on the ASD board mail list,  made some comments
> on the original proposal, which I fowarded to this list.  Stan regretfully
> cannot join us on this list at this time.
>      It may be a little unclear *who* is to be directing & leading the
> discussion on Jeremy Taylor's Dream Education Proposal, so I just wanted,
> if not to clarify, to at least define the shape of the fog.
>     This proposal was originally suggeted to the ASD board and assigned to
> the Education Committee to discuss, though we have assumed that like other
> ASD committee meetings, its pretty much open to the general membership.
>    However, the Education Chair, Kelly Bulkeley has become busy with the
> Program 2000 and the Chair has moved to  Bonnelle Strickling.   I put
> Bonnelle on  this list and sent her a note, but she may not be on a daily
> email cycle like some of you and I don't know when she will be able to
> respond to this list.
>    My suggestion is that Jeremy, you could lead the discussion or assign it
> to someone on the education committee who is willing to lead the
> discussion. Preferably someone close to the educational process, but not
> necessarily.
>  Also, if participants on the list send in some preliminary views and
> comments on Dream Education and the possiblity of finding common ground,
> this will also lead to some discussion. Or pick up on point # 2 or #2 and
> send in some views.    ( I have included Jeremy Taylor's original
> statements below as well).
> Here is a list of participants (email only).   If you are not sure who's
> who, visit the
> ASD who's who page:
>  - Richard
> dreaming list includes:
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +d...... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +d...... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +4...... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Ladies & Gentlemen:
> It certainly looks as though we had another great conference(!) I hope it
> turns to be as successful financially as it was socially and professionally.
> How soon will we know?
> Per our discussion at the Board Meeting on Saturday, I am sending a draft of
> what seem to me to be minimum requirements for programs training people to do
> non-specialized dream work.
> There are at least two aspects to "professional ethics":  (1) the requirement
> to avoid doing harm (through misrepresentation of credentials, false and
> misleading advertising, robbing the dreamer of his/her autonomy in the dream
> working process, using information gained in the course of professional work
> for personal profit, etc.), all of which are, I believe adequately dealt with
> in our "Statement of Ethics" -- and (2) the requirement to do good whenever
> possible, especially including the ethical obligation to pass on to future
> generations the wisdom, skills, and specialized knowledge of the field,
> whatever it may be.
> As the sudden proliferation of dream work training programs all over the U.S.
> over the past couple of years demonstrates, training people to do dream work
> professionally, (i.e., responsibly, for pay), is clearly an idea whose time
> has come.  Obviously, training programs of this sort will continue to grow
> and proliferate, whether the ASD takes any action to support and suggest
> fundamental principles of "quality control" for them, or not. As those of you
> who were present will recall, there was clear expression of the desire for
> support and guidance from ASD expressed by most of the founder/directors of
> the six different programs represented on the ASD panel discussing
> "Professional Dream Work Training..." at the Santa Cruz Conference.
> On Saturday, the Board voted to begin to explore this question, and I agreed
> to supply a discussion draft of what I, at least, perceive to be the
> fundamental and necessary building blocks of any responsible, non-specialized
> dream work training program. In fulfillment of that commitment, I am
> submitting the following for your consideration and discussion:
> "Professional practitioners of any skill have an ethical obligation to pass
> on to succeeding generations the substance of their specialized knowledge in
> a coherent and accessible fashion. This is as true for those of us who work
> with dreams, as it is of any other profession.
> We, the Board of the Association for the Study of Dreams, therefore adopt and
> recommend the following fundamental principles and elements as necessary for
> any adequate training program for professional work with dreams.
> (1) Any program training people to work with dreams should have a clearly
> stated ethical component. We recommend the "Statement of Ethics for Dream
> Work" adopted by the ASD as a foundation for such ethical components of dream
> work training.
> (2) Any program training people to work with dreams should emphasize the
> multiple layers of meaning that are possible in every dream, and expose
> trainees to a variety of techniques and methods of exploration. Programs
> which offer to train people to work with dreams professionally, (i.e.
> responsibly, for-pay) must be free to emphasize one particular technique
> above others, but in order to achieve minimum standards of adequate
> professional training, these programs must also expose their trainees to a
> representative variety of different techniques and theoretical models.
> (3) Any program training people to work with dreams should include a
> significant experience of adequately supervised, "hands-on", face-to-face
> dream work, leading and facilitating work with dreams, both with groups and
> individuals. (As electronic communications media become increasing important
> in our post-modern lives, this "hands-on" component may also be extended to
> include telephone and computer connected work with dreams, but traditional,
> face-to-face work must also be a significant element of the program. If the
> program does include training in working with dreams using electronic media,
> this work must also be supervised by instructors who themselves have adequate
> experience working with dreams using these media.) There should be written
> evaluations of the performance of trainees in these supervised situations.
> The criteria upon which these evaluations are based must be clearly stated,
> and applied equally.
> (4) Any program training people to work with dreams should offer an overview
> of the history of dream work as a world-wide activity. Although programs may
> choose to emphasize one aspect of this tradition, such as the European,
> medical/psychiatric, tradition of dream exploration, they should also offer
> at least an over-view of the many other strands of aboriginal and
> non-European work with dreams. This should include, but not be limited to
> exposure to those traditions which grant primacy to the dream as a means of
> communion with the realms of spirit.
> (5) At the outset, any program training people to work with dreams should
> have clearly stated goals and clearly stated means of evaluating whether or
> not those goals have been adequately achieved by a trainee. Evaluation of
> trainees regarding their performance and their achievement of training goals
> should be equally applied.
> (6) Although dream work training for specialists, (medical practitioners,
> therapists, social workers, etc.), will require further training beyond these
> five basic areas, even specialized education and training in working with
> dreams should conform to the principles stated here."
> Respectfully submitted,
> Reverend Jeremy Taylor
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Ladies & Gentlemen:
> While ruminating about the 6 point discussion draft of criteria for minimally
> adequate professional dream work training, it occurs to me that there is
> another point that should be added to the list, (perhaps as the new #3...),
> to wit:
> "(3) Any program training people to work with dreams should have a
> fundamental component addressing the universal human process of unconscious
> "projection". This tranining component should include material relating to
> projection both as a major element in the creation of the manifest content of
> the dream itself, as well as a primary factor in the subsequent exploration
> and work with any dream or dream series."
> Thanks for your continuing attention to this important discussion.
> As always,        Jeremy Taylor (co-founder and past
> president)

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