On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 08:47:07PM +0200, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
> (On a side note I believe treating the pitch and size arguments as inputs 
> could be a worthwhile extension to the API, but given that we haven't
> rejected incorrect values in the past we're pretty much stuck).

The bigger picture here is that it is a generic interface to DRM
drivers, and having different behaviour from different drivers is
itself impractical.

If nothing breaks through better enforcement of the API, then we
should go with what the API is currently defined to be, rather than
trying to overload it with new features - and then end up in the
situation where we have something trying to use those new features
and no way to know if the driver implements this "bug" or not.

FTTC broadband for 0.8mile line: currently at 9.5Mbps down 400kbps up
according to speedtest.net.

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