Hello Ilia,

On 2015-04-21 21:15, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
> I know it was immensely useful to me when I was adding YUV plane
> support to nouveau. Seemed to work as advertised at the time (1.5y
> ago) for YUYV, UYVY, and NV12.
>   -ilia
maybe you can help me with that question.

Let's consider a user of the DRM interface that wants to feed NV12 data 
to it. NV12 is bi-planar, so the user should provide two 
handles/pitches/offsets describing chroma and luma plane respectively. 
But most of the time chroma and luma is contiguous in memory, with 
nothing in between.

I was wondering if it is an allowed setup to request NV12 as 
pixelformat, but only to provide _one_ handle/pitch/offset? (implying 
that we are in the contiguous setting)

With best wishes,

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