Hello Dave,

first all the best for your newborn and your whole family!

What could be differend between r6xx/r7xx and EG+ (NI, here) that the 
fixes the 'gsraytrace' GPU hang on the later but NOT on the former?

Any ideas, hints where I could start?
r6xx/r7xx do not have any TESS support as we now.
So where to start?
Disabling some lines of your commit and try?

commit 2239f3eaff5c72c4cb1d4a5be97feb4af3d08d25
Author: Dave Airlie <airlied at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 30 15:48:22 2015 +1000

     r600/shader: emit tessellation factors to GDS at end of TCS.

     When we are finished the shader, we read back all the tess factors
     from LDS and write them to special global memory storage using
     GDS instructions.

     This also handles adding NOP when GDS or ENDLOOP end the TCS.

     Signed-off-by: Dave Airlie <airlied at redhat.com>


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