Hey Chih-Wei,

On Fri, 2017-09-22 at 10:40 +0800, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:
> Great news!
> Thanks a lot to make it happen.
> I hope I am wrong.
> From my understanding most x86 GPUs still
> cannot work with drm_hwcomposer since
> they lack of atomic mode-setting API support
> required by drm_hwcomposer.
> Hope this could be addressed soon since
> drm_hwcomposer becomes a standard project of fd.o.

I haven't personally run drm_hwc ontop of any x86 hardware, but there
are people who do it.
The android-ia project has supported using drm_hwcomposer and an
alternative hwcomposer, so it would think there should be no issues.

> How about the gralloc?
> There are also several implementations
> scattered somewhere.
> I think it's also important to standardize it to fd.o
> and make it work with fd.o's drm_hwcomposer.

Gralloc is a different story, and the right person to ask about it is
not me, but maybe Rob Herring.

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