2018-09-14 2:23 GMT+08:00 Lucas De Marchi <lucas.demar...@intel.com>:
> +Chris
>> That's because drm_gralloc use the IS_GEN9 macro
>> (and other IS_GEN{n} macros) directly.
>> Since IS_GEN{n} are public APIs, I don't see
> IS_GEN() is *not* public API and should not be. It's an internal macro.
> DESTDIR=/tmp/inst ninja -C build install
> grep -r IS_GEN /tmp/inst/
> Binary file /tmp/inst/usr/local/lib64/libdrm_intel.so.1.0.0 matches
>   [  same thing when using autotools ]
> Grepping https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/drm_gralloc/ I
> see IS_GEN* is being used, but I don't see where it's getting it from,
> unless it's using private headers... Let's see by grepping it:
> $ git grep intel_chipset
> gralloc_drm_intel.c:#include "intel_chipset.h" /* for platform detection
> macros */
> oh. You're a using a private header :(. How many places and libraries will
> we need to update to support different platforms? This is crazy.
> AFAICS it only uses that to get the max_stride for each platform... this
> info should be coming from somewhere else. Chris, any idea here?

Hmm... There is no private declaration in this header.
Why is it private?

If so, what is the correct way to get the gen of Intel's GPU?
Or the userspace should not know it?

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