
A couple of years ago my email provider blocked me from using git
send-email with their smtp server. So I switched to the one my ISP
provides. Now my ISP have outsourced their email service so the first 3
emails gets through and the rest looks like it ends up in a tar pit or
something, 18 hours later and 5 of 7 emails have gotten through. I have
asked them about this, but I fear the answer will be this is not
supported since they now don't have the service in-house anymore. I'm
waiting for a reply.

Today I tried sendinblue.com since they have a free plan, but they
insert <br> in the emails so that didn't work out. They also have some
kind of queue, after 1 hour 6 of 7 emails have gotten through.

Does anyone have an smtp provider to recommend that works with git
send-email and that sends out all the emails at once?

I have a patchset that I want to send out.


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