
Am 19.12.22 um 16:34 schrieb Siddh Raman Pant:
On Mon, 19 Dec 2022 20:27:45 +0530, Thomas Zimmermann wrote:

Am 19.12.22 um 15:23 schrieb Siddh Raman Pant:
Line 536 of drm_print.h says DRM_INFO() is deprecated
in favor of pr_info().

That's a misleading comment. DRM_INFO() is deprecated for drm_info().
pr_info() et al is only to be used of you don't have a dev pointer.

Best regards

Maybe you are confusing it with DRM_DEV_INFO? It takes the dev pointer,
and is indeed told to be deprecated in favour of drm_info() in the
comments (see line 394).

DRM_INFO is a separate macro for printing stuff, and does not take the
dev pointer. They seem to be early wrappers for printk, I guess when
pr_info did not exist. And all they do different from pr_info is to add
DRM_NAME (which seems to be just "drm") in front of the string.

The DRM_ print macros in capital letters are deprecated AFAIK. In cases where a dev pointer is available, using drm_info() et al. is preferred over pr_info().

In the context of your patch, you should use drm_info() in drm_client_target_cloned(), as is gets a dev pointer as its first argument. In most the other cases from your patch, you can get the dev pointer from connector->dev.

The final case, drm_legacy_pci_exit(), there's no dev pointer, so you can use pr_info() there. I'd remove '[drm]' from the string. We don't use this much elsewhere.

Best regards


Thomas Zimmermann
Graphics Driver Developer
SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
(HRB 36809, AG Nürnberg)
Geschäftsführer: Ivo Totev

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