This patch fixes the problem of mapping contigous and non contigous dma buffers.

Currently page struct is calculated from the buf->dma_addr which is not the
physical address. It is replaced by buf->pages which points to the page struct
of the first page of contigous memory chunk. This gives the correct page frame
number for mapping.

Non-contigous dma buffers are described using SG table and SG lists. Each
valid SG List is pointing to a single page or group of pages which are
physically contigous. Current implementation just maps the first page of each
SG List and leave the other pages unmapped, leading to a crash. Given solution
finds the page struct for the faulting page through parsing SG table and map it.

Signed-off-by: Rahul Sharma <rahul.sharma at>
 drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_gem.c |   28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_gem.c 
index 8cb6824..50d73f1 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_gem.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_gem.c
@@ -95,15 +95,37 @@ static int exynos_drm_gem_map_buf(struct drm_gem_object 
        struct exynos_drm_gem_obj *exynos_gem_obj = to_exynos_gem_obj(obj);
        struct exynos_drm_gem_buf *buf = exynos_gem_obj->buffer;
+       struct scatterlist *sgl;
        unsigned long pfn;
+       int i;

        if (exynos_gem_obj->flags & EXYNOS_BO_NONCONTIG) {
+               if (!buf->sgt)
+                       return -EINTR;
+               sgl = buf->sgt->sgl;
+               for_each_sg(buf->sgt->sgl, sgl, buf->sgt->nents, i) {
+                       if (!sgl) {
+                               DRM_ERROR("invalid SG table\n");
+                               return -EINTR;
+                       }
+                       if (page_offset < (sgl->length >> PAGE_SHIFT))
+                               break;
+                       page_offset -=  (sgl->length >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+               }
+               if (i >= buf->sgt->nents) {
+                       DRM_ERROR("invalid page offset\n");
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               pfn = __phys_to_pfn(sg_phys(sgl)) + page_offset;
+       } else {
                if (!buf->pages)
                        return -EINTR;

-               pfn = page_to_pfn(buf->pages[page_offset++]);
-       } else
-               pfn = (buf->dma_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT) + page_offset;
+               pfn = page_to_pfn(buf->pages[0]) + page_offset;
+       }

        return vm_insert_mixed(vma, f_vaddr, pfn);

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