[Daniel Vetter]
> Nah, silence just means that your patch fell through the crack while I've
> travelled around a bit. Thanks for poking, it's merged now for 3.11 (with
> cc: stable) to my drm-intel-next-queued branch. I've slightly bikeshedded
> the patch though for formatting.

Right.  Thank you.

Btw, a related question.  On the laptop in question, even when I use
i915.invert_brightness=1, the kernel still seem to be confused about the
brightness values.  This causes the KDE system powerdevil to turn off
the screen when I log into KDE.
<URL: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=321580 > got some details
about the problem, which can be seen from this shell run:

  % for interface in /sys/class/backlight/*; do echo $interface; cat 
$interface/max_brightness; cat $interface/actual_brightness; done

The max_brightness value is 100, and the current brightness is 0, which
actually is full brightness (and not black screen).  This fools
powerdevil into turning off the screen while believing it turn it on.

Should not the ACPI backlight system also know about the inverted
brightness setting, and adjust the /sys/ interface to get these values
to behave consistently across all hardware models?

Is there some other quirk table for acpi that also need to be updated?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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