On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 12:10:11PM -0700, Simon Kirby wrote:
> > Actually, what is REALLY freakin' weird is that it seems to work just
> > about to the point that I start typing something, at which point the next
> > thing I type has to start with SysRq because it's locked tight..  It's
> > truly bizarre, and nobody seems to have the slightest idea what could be
> > causing it.  I've tried every suggestion I've been given at least once -
> > some with disasterous (but fixable, thankfully) results like changing AGP
> > driving strength.  Setting it to the suggested value caused the box not to
> > boot at all.  Old ISA video card to the rescue.
> Hmm!  Where is this option?  I can't seem to find it in my BIOS anywhere. 
> Perhaps it's only an option on newer boards.
> What other things have you tried?

P2C/C2P(?) concurrency, turning off AGP-4x mode all together, and other
settings.  I posted my AGP-related settings about a week ago along with
kernel info, system info, etc.

> > I suspect we're seeing different problems, and I've pretty much concluded
> > that whatever the hell is wrong, it's specific to my particular setup.
> > It'd most likely take someone with an identical motherboard and video card
> > (possibly also running at 100MHz as I am running it) to duplicate the
> > problems I am having.  I'm keeping my eyes open, but at the same time I'm
> > looking into the possibility of a PCI card to replace my Voodoo2 and
> > possibly some sort of setup that way.
> Actually, I'm running the bus at 100 MHz.  Dual Slot1 300A Celerons
> drilled & soldered to run at dual 450 MHz, but I left that part out to
> increase the validity of my report. ;)

AMD Duron 800, running 100x8.  I don't overclock - my CPU is already
109°F as it is!

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                Free software developer

<wichert> solaris is bsd, so it should work
* Espy takes wichert's crack pipe away

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