In investigating texture environment modes on the mach64, I've discovered
that the card can't modulate fragment and texture alpha values (this is
confirmed by the docs, experimentation, and comments in the utah-glx
source).  The one exception being that there are a couple of bizarre
"alpha masking" modes that allow you to modulate the fragment alpha with
the texture alpha's most significant or least significant bit.  The _only_
way I can see this being useful is if the texture only uses 0 and/or 1 as
alpha values.  You'd have to search every textel for fractional alpha
values to determine if you could use this feature, which just doesn't seem
worth it (plus it would violate OpenGL invariance rules).

Given this hardware limitation, most GL_MODULATE cases can produce
incorrect results with alpha blending enabled.  Using software fallbacks
for these cases could seriously impact performance in applications that
make heavy use of these modes.  So my question is this: what's the best
way to handle compliance v. performance?  I can use software rendering by
default when alpha blending is enabled to always give correct results, and
offer an environment variable switch to use the flawed hardware
implementation.  If you have a fast enough processor, maybe you wouldn't
notice so much if the fallback cases are used sparingly in an app.  Then
gamers could enable the hardware implementation to get better performance,
at the cost of some rendering problems.  There doesn't seem to be a GL API
method for conveying that a core feature like this (not an extension) is
broken or slow, so an environment var or config file option seems like the
only alternative.  Of course the advantage of an environment var is that 
it can be set per app.

Another issue is granularity of the hardware/software switch: if I can do
GL_MODULATE correctly in hardware when the texture format is GL_RGB or
GL_LUMINANCE, can I use hardware for that case even if I'm using software
for all the other texture formats?  The invariance rules seem to suggest
that the answer is no (Appendix A, Section A.4 in the 1.3 OpenGL spec).  
The texture format is more of a "parameter" than a "mode vector", whereas
I'm interpreting the GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE as a "mode vector".  If "mode
vectors" are only state variables changed with glEnable/glDisable, then
the perfomance outlook for alpha blending would be pretty dire if I need
to use software for _all_ environment modes.

What are people's ideas on this, and how do other drivers address these
issues?  It seems that a consensus or standard for DRI drivers would be
helpful (utah-glx had glx.conf).  Maybe we could discuss this in
tomorrow's irc meeting.

Leif Delgass

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