On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Keith Whitwell wrote:

> OK, great - it looks like some things work for you...  That's an improvement,
> anyway...
> What would be helpful would be to look at Mesa/samples, and identify what in
> there works & doesn't work.  Start with 'depth', 'prim', 'stars', 'tri'.
> Similarly for the Mesa/demos directory.

I'm breaking them into either "works" or "doesn't work".  I'm skipping the
ones that need unsupported extensions.  If you'd like more detail on any
(or all) of them, just let me know.

Here's the rundown on the Mesa/samples...

accum -- works
bitmap1 -- works
bitmap2 -- works
blendeq -- works
blendxor -- works
cursor -- works
depth -- doesn't work
eval -- doesn't work
fog -- doesn't work
font -- works
line -- works
logo -- doesn't work
nurb -- works
olympic -- works
point -- works
prim -- works
quad -- doesn't work
select -- works
sphere -- doesn't work
star -- works
stencil -- works
tri -- works
wave -- doesn't work


bounce -- works
clearspd -- works
drawpix -- works
fire -- doesn't work
gears -- doesn't work
geartrain -- doesn't work
gloss -- doesn't work
glutfx -- doesn't work
ipers -- doesn't work
isosurf -- doesn't work (even after switching to "reflect" as I mentioned
morph3d -- doesn't work
multiarb -- works
pointblast -- doesn't work
ray -- doesn't work
readpix -- works
reflect -- doesn't work
renormal -- works
spectex -- doesn't work
stex3d -- doesn't work
teapot -- doesn't work
terrain -- doesn't work
tessdemo -- works 
texcyl -- works
texenv -- works
texobj -- works
tunnel -- works
tunnel2 -- works (great demo, BTW!)
winpos -- works

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