So the mach64-0-0-3-branch is the DRI trunk with the new mahc64 dirs and
files added and changes from mach64-0-0-2-branch manually merged, right?  
Is the branch up to date with your working tree or do you still have local
changes?  I'd like to hack on this too, but I don't want to get in your
way if you're still working on merging.  I can hold off on checking in 
anything for a while.

btw, the problem I had with merging my 4.2.0-based tree was that I tried
to merge from the trunk a second time using the same command.  That meant
it tried to merge changes that had already been merged.  I think that to
get just the changes on the trunk since the last merge I would have had to
specify dates or tags from the trunk.  It's something to keep in mind for 
future synching to the trunk.

On 26 Feb 2002, Jose Fonseca wrote:

> Well, I'm answering to my own question, just in case someone is also
> interested!
> I've finished merging and I'm now compiling. It's clear now that
> although making a 'cvs update' for everything would be quicker to get a
> merge, there would be several cases where the code wouldn't be properly
> merged and I would lose more time debugging after.
> Regards,
> Jose Fonseca
> On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 16:32, Jose Fonseca wrote:
> > I'm in the process of merging the files from mach64-0-0-2-branch into
> > the recently created mach64-0-0-3-branch from the trunk.
> > 
> > The way I'm doing is (on a directory basis):
> >  - make a diff of the entire directory to get the global picture of the
> > differences
> >  - update the files that are only in the mach64-0-0-2-branch
> >  - run xxdiff (a visual file merge) between the current branch and a
> > local updated copy of mach64-0-0-2-branch in the files that are common.
> > 
> > Am I being too overzealous, i.e, can I trust on the 'cvs update' to
> > merge the differences of common files, or is it really best do it
> > manually, or is there a another way of doing things (other tool
> > perhaps)?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Jose Fonseca
> > 
> > 
> > PS: Sorry for these beginner questions, but everyone has to learn a
> > first time, and I think that you can give a better advice than a CVS
> > user list since you know the code in question.
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