On 2002.04.11 07:40 graeme fisher wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know if there is a detailed porting guide for porting a
> graphics driver using Mesa 3.x to one using Mesa 4.x.

Is not really a porting guide but by comparing the following notes you get 
a good picture:


> Also, roughly how much time would it take to do the port?

The mach64 branch was recently ported to Mesa 4.x. There were too people 
working on this. I would say the bulk of the work was roughly done in 7 

The best thing to do is to use a driver that has been ported as a 
comparison term. In the mach64 was used the r128. For each file of the 
driver I was working on I always had two xxdiff windows open: one 
comparing r128 3.x driver to the r128 4.x open, and other comparing the 
r128 3.x driver to the mach64 3.x driver.

The steps were basically the following:
  1. merge the mesa 4.x code
  2. get everything to compile without missing headers problems
  3. update the context strucutures
  3. start by the easiest files, i.e., those that require less changes 
(this way you already accumulated know-how when you get to the hard ones).
  4. get everything to compile without errors
  5. get everything to link without missing simbols

Then the r128 4.x driver was compared to the mach64 4.x driver to search 
for unexplainable differences.

After this is a matter of debugging, which took much more time than this.

> Thanks
> Graeme


José Fonseca

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