On Fri, 24 May 2002, José Fonseca wrote:
> Keith P., even very recentely it was discussed on the Xpert mailing list
> that the XFree86 project didn't have the manpower to handle all the
> patches that are being submited regularly.

>From personal experience, it doesn't get better, it only gets worse. Once
you start falling behind, it just gets harder and harder to catch up. My
personal approach for the kernel ends up just accepting when I have to
trust people, and then accepting their patches and judgement with only a
very high-level filter at that point.

> How do you propose that we channel fixes to the XFree86 CVS? (IMHO: More
> a reason to have bugzilla, give CVS access to more people and so on..)

I don't personally much like CVS because it ends up being so painful to
branch for small temporary projects, and I have never _ever_ seen a clean
merge back, but yes, I do think that the core DRI people should just have
write access to the general XF86 tree, and use _that_ as the main one (or
the other way around, of course, although I have this feeling that it is
politically easier to use the XF86 tree).

Two separate CVS trees just does not work. CVS isn't designed to help that
case at all, causing just extra work for everybody. It results in merges
being very occasional, and way more painful than they should be.



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