On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 10:09:44PM +0200, Felix Kühling wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 19:59:08 +0100
> José Fonseca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Felix, please try the patch attached. I'm also gonna see if I can
> Ok, I will apply it. But since the errors were very rare, it will take
> some time to be sure. Is there a way to make a patch that can print a

I know... Have no hurry!

> log message when a transient idle is generated in a situation when it
> shoudn't and try to recover from it the way your patch does? Then if one
> sees such a message and the programme didn't crash one could be sure.

As is now, not really.. unless one polls the value a little waiting for
a transient value, but it's not very pratical. Just leave the patch in
your tree - if nothing happens after some weeks of regular use is enough. 
Anyway, I think I can reproduce the problem on my testbox by letting the 
UT demo running alone some hours, so I hope to have a more definite
answer soon.

> > reproduce it (by the look of its webpages, TORCS seems a nice way to
> > spend sometime ;-). I'll also redo the other "extra safety check" that
> > was failing before on my system to see if it goes away too.
> Yeah, it's a nice programme, but I get only between 8 and 13 fps at
> 640x480.

Hey! I didn't made the chip! I just helped on the drivers! ;-)

José Fonseca

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