On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> ( Yes, the Gatos people do not share some of the same concerns the XFree86
>   people do. I know XFree86 people must sometimes be frustrated with the
>   fast-and-lose "just get it working" approach of some of the Gatos code,
>   but I bet that the Gatos people are frustrated about the fact that
>   sometimes the XFree86 people don't seem to care about some things
>   _working_ at all.
>   "Stability" of a code-base that doesn't do what people need it to do is
>   simply not very relevant sometimes. )

I feel that I should point out that "functionality" of a code-base that 
isn't stable is simply not very relevant sometimes, too. :-)


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