Dieter Nützel wrote:
> OK, the IRQ stuff seems working currectly on my dual Athlon SMP box.

I can second that, q3a works fast and stable for me, too, now!
The 50-FPS-limit I used to experience is gone, and overall performance 
is a lot better, too

demo four now gives me about 48 FPS (1280x1024@24bit, max. details, 
geometry high)

gears is also running well (>2200 FPS, with low cpu load)

> With and without "setenv R200_NO_USLEEPS 1" I get the same numbers for Q3A.
> Q3A 1.32, 640x480x24 window on a 1280x1024x24 desktop, demo four:
> with sound:           130.3 fps
> wthout sound: 138.6 fps
> r_smp "1"
> quake3.x86 block, keyboard and mouse wouldn't release
> X server shutdown clear it

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