Ian Romanick wrote:
Keith Whitwell wrote:

José Fonseca wrote:

I've been following this thread very closely because I just order a VIA
Mini-ITX motherboard (see
http://www.viavpsd.com/products/epia_mini_itx_spec.jsp ) for making a
MP3/VCD/DVD TvOut media player + router + ... Eventually I also want to turn it into a Linux video game console! ;-)

And guess what? It comes with a onboard Trident CyberBlade i1.

It seems that Trident has no Linux 3D drivers, so there is no fish to
give, but they happily supply a fishing stick, as the chip specification is
freely available from
http://www.viavpsd.com/products/Manual/DS8601A182.pdf .

Ack. That looks like a pretty difficult document to work from -- a challenge of the mach64 order to say the least...

Seems to be a g400/r128/tnt/i810 type chip, though. It's hard to tell from the document, but there really did seem to be a lot of detail missing.

I would put it at the low end of that group. No stencil buffer, 256x256 max texture, single texture unit (!), no support for MODULATE, DECAL, ADD, or COMBINE (unless some of these are possible w/the undocumented ROP3 code). I noticed in the document that it supports DirectX, but there is NO mention of OpenGL. Hmm...
I noticed on page 4 (pdf file page 10) under "General Graphics Capabilities", the last item refers to an OpenGL ICD API.

Jens Owen / \/\ _
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ \ \ Steamboat Springs, Colorado

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