Philip Brown wrote:
On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 10:37:06PM -0600, D. Hageman wrote:

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Philip Brown wrote:

Preferably in an area that XML was designed for: in exchanging
data between programs and OTHER programs, not between humans and programs.
Simplify:  GUI configuration tool (program)  <-->  Driver (program)
There are GUI tools for Xfree configuration too, and they have managed to
get along fine without using XML.
If you want a "Library" for config file parsing, cant you just use whatever
the x server itself uses?
There are two other things to consider here, whatever format is chosen.

1. We'd like to have other people be able to make configuration utilities. Looking at the number and variety of configuration utilites just for Nvidia's close-source drivers shows that this is a worthwhile goal.

2. Our first spin of a configuration utility will probably be written in Python or Tcl or someother scripting language. The idea being that we could prototype something functional quickly. I suspect that the XFree86 config file parser is not available for either of those languages. This is one of the reasons that using a VERY simple Python dictionary as the file format was considered.

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