On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 05:55:55PM -0600, D. Hageman wrote:
> > So, why not do it by PCI vendor/devid ? That sort of information is visible
> > from the DRI level, I believe. I think its just another Xserver internal
> > call, isnt it?  
> I thought about PCI vendors/devid ... problem with that is that we would 
> like to have a sane configuration for a normal user.  I think using that 
> would be too confusing for the user.  If we use the identifier that is 
> specified in the XF86Config I think it would be the most logical route - 
> don't you think?

What's your definition of "sane configuration" ?

Nothing is stopping you from using the PCI ids as the *actual* tagging
mechanism, but perhaps using the xfree86 card name as a comment to
help the user out a bit.

IMO, that extra "config comment" stuff should be handled at user-level.
Keep that sort of stuff out of the kernel.

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